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Red sus – review of the book “Among Us The traitor between us”

I admit I never played Among Us . Of course, I know the gameplay assumptions and the bloodier memes, but I never started playing the game itself. So, who would be more appropriate than me to review an unofficial book based on this title? Probably no one. So I invite you to the review Among Us The Traitor between us.

What if the spaceship became a trap?

 I will not write much about the plot of this book, because there is not much to do. On board the spacecraft, the crew struggles with various faults and performs routine tasks every day. At some point it turns out that one of them has died. An extraordinary meeting is called. Everyone gets insecure and suspicious of the others. They are the only ones here, so someone must be the murderer. Only who? Will they condemn the innocent as a result of the vote taken at the meeting to be thrown into space, or maybe the right person? Nobody is sure and decisions have to be made. May it be accurate, because if not, everyone will become prey for a mysterious murderer, and the ship will become a death trap.

An unofficial novel or a book for children?

 I have a problem with this piece, because it’s hard to call it a novel, but it also doesn’t fit the title of a fanfic or a children’s book. On the one hand, we have a candy-like and seemingly funny world, and on the other – a dark and unknown threat. Here, the adventures of the heroes bring a smile to their lips, and elsewhere they have to make extremely difficult decisions about the life and death of their companions. The problem of this book also lies elsewhere, namely in language. I feel a huge dissonance, because her style has nothing to do with the story being described. I know that it is dictated by the style of the game, but somehow it does not suit me. The story, despite a few nice moments, is very shallow and not very addictive. Unfortunately, this is a problem not only with this item, but with most, with exceptions, game-inspired novels, so I do not count it as a mistake. Generally, this type is. The only thing that really irritated me very much was the nonsensical division into two acts, especially with the item having less than 200 pages. I consider it redundant. And there would be so many shortcomings. There is also nothing particularly remembered about the release itself. The illustrations are fine, the paper is very good grammage and the font of the text is neither large nor too small. Such a fairly decent release, which is a lot on the market today.

So is it profitable to invest in this book? As a curiosity, yes, but not something specific. The fans of the game will not like it, the older audience will not like it either. Unfortunately, this is an offer for children and a bit more “childish” adults. So do I recommend? Yes and no. Nice reading for a looser afternoon and nothing else.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

It's a decent reader. Neither good nor bad. Just the same.

PLOT: 6/10
Characters: 6/10
STYLE: 7/10
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