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Ready for a weekend full of fantasy?

From today until September 17, Opolcon, the largest Fantasy Festival in Opole, takes place. It’s been 10 years since fans come from all over Poland to this event

The Opolcon Fantasy Festival is a free fantasy convention taking place in Opole for 10 years, usually in autumn. It is organized by:

– OKF Fenix ​​Association,

– Electrical School Complex,

– School of Economics,

– Public Secondary School No. VIII named after Aleksander Kamiński (for the first time in 2023).

We are organizing a Cosplay Competition in which any previously registered person can take part and present themselves in front of the audience and other candidates. Participants will have many hours of lectures on various universes and themes. Every year, special guests are invited and meetings with authors are organized to present their work, as well as to talk or take photos together.

There is also a Games Room on the premises, filled to the brim with board games that can be played without interruption. The convention also features an extensive RPG and LARP zone. E-sports tournaments are also organized in which you can win valuable prizes and face worthy opponents.

There are exhibitors on several floors offering a variety of fantastic items – from key chains and pins, through mugs and handmade soaps, to pillows and T-shirts. Gadgets are never monothematic, exhibitors always have a wide range of products and brands to offer.

Everyone can find something for themselves here. The convention attracts fantasy fans of all stripes, everyone is welcome here. Some of the attractions during the day take place in ZS Elektryczne, and located next to ZS Ekonomiczne there are Sleep Rooms where you can leave your things and spend the night if necessary. This year, for the first time, Opolcon is co-organized by Public Secondary School No. VIII, which will also host many attractions.

There is a friendly atmosphere throughout the convention, thanks to which everyone can easily find their way around. However, if difficulties arise, volunteers or organizers will always lend a helping hand.

This year we are celebrating our anniversary, it will be the tenth edition of our event. The first edition took place in 2013 and attracted approximately 550 participants, and last year’s (ninth) edition had over 2,100! The number of guests, exhibitors, lectures, organizers and volunteers increases every year. Anyone can join the team creating the convention, all you need is the right amount of willingness and enthusiasm, as well as the ability to work in a group. We will welcome everyone with open arms.

The event will take place in the buildings of: the Electrical School Complex, the Economic School Complex and the Public Secondary School No. VIII. Aleksander Kamiński. The convention grounds are located in Opole at 39-41 and 43 Tadeusza Kościuszki Street and 48A Ozimska Street.


You can find the rest of the program and guide here . We also invite you to FB and the event website .

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