Privacy and cookies policy

What are cookies

Cookies are small files saved and stored on the user’s computer, tablet or smartphone when visiting websites. A cookie usually contains the name of the website it comes from, the “lifetime” of the cookie (i.e. its lifetime) and a randomly generated unique number used to identify the browser from which the website is connected.

Privacy and cookies policy

  1. Participation in the functioning of the portal is voluntary and involves the acceptance of these regulations.
  2. Administration of the website does not process personal data and does not use personal data for marketing purposes aimed at facilitating the distribution of advertisements by third parties.
  3. The website may use the so-called cookies, i.e. information sent to the user’s computer of our website, identifying it in a way necessary for the proper course of the session, i.e. browsing the website. Cookies are harmless to the computer system, its user / s and data. The condition for cookies to work is their acceptance by the browser and not removing them from the disk.
  4. The website may collect information resulting from the general principles of Internet connections, such as IP, type of web browser, monitor resolution, used for technical and statistical purposes.
  5. All links posted on the website allow direct connection to other websites. At the same time, we would like to inform you that we are not responsible for the Privacy Policy of the owners of these websites.

Cookies set by us:

  1. Newsletter- related cookies . They allow you to remember whether a given user has already subscribed to the newsletter and determine whether to display an appropriate message.
  2. Cookies related to polls, plebiscites and quizzes . They allow you to determine whether a given user has already taken part in the survey and display an appropriate message after reloading the page, e.g. Quiz results.
  3. Form- related cookies . They allow you to remember the data provided in the contact form or when adding comments, in order to suggest data the next time you use the forms.
  4. Cookies related to AdBlock and ad blocking . They allow to remember the user’s decision to display ads on the website and not to display the message asking him to disable AdBlock again.
  5. Cookies related to counting impressions and clicks . They help to determine whether the views of posts or clicks on a given link are unique.

Third party cookies:

  1. Google Analytics . This website uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytical solutions on the internet to help us understand how you use the website and how we can improve your experience. These cookies can track things such as time spent on the site and pages visited so we can continue to create engaging content. More information on Google Analytics cookies can be found on the official Google Analytics website.
  2. Google AdSense . The Google AdSense service we use to serve ads uses DoubleClick cookies to serve more relevant ads on the Internet and limit the number of times you see an ad. For more information on Google AdSense, see the official Google AdSense Privacy FAQ.
  3. Cloudflare . Cloudflare supports website security by detecting abnormal behavior and website overloads. More information on the use of cookies in the official Cloudflare Privacy Policy.
  4. OneSignal . The service allows you to display browser notifications about new entries to people who have voluntarily subscribed to these notifications. Cookies allow you to determine whether information about a given entry has already been displayed. More information in the official Privacy Policy on the OneSignal website.
  5. We also use social media buttons and plugins ( instagram , facebook , twitter , youtube ) on this website . They may be used to improve your profile on their sites or for other purposes as set out in their Privacy Policies.

Disabling cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser (for more information, see your browser help). Remember that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Disabling cookies usually also disables some features, including this website. Therefore, it is recommended not to disable cookies.

Data administration (GDPR)

On May 25, 2018, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) will come into force. We need your consent to process your personal data stored in cookies. See below for details

  1. The administrator of all data on the portal is the Last Tawerna website , a brand belonging to the Bass Queen company with its registered office at ul. Powstańców 60/516, 05-091 Ząbki, NIP 527-25-24-464, REGON 382387253 .
  2. The portal does not store any personal data of users visiting the website – the only data that the user leaves on the website is the e-mail address (optionally name and surname) provided when commenting on the above – mentioned portal or subscribing to the newsletter.
  3. The user may request removal of his comment along with his data – for this purpose, simply send a message to the following address: [email protected]