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PlayStation 5 officially announced!

Materiał promocyjny Sony Computer Entertainment

Sony has finally officially revealed the next generation of its consoles. The premiere at the end of 2020.


It was only a formality, but Sony has finally confirmed the next generation of consoles in its social media channels. As you might have guessed, the new model was called PlayStation 5. It will debut at the end of next year, in the run-up to Christmas.

Parallel to the announcement, a long text appeared on the Wired portal summarizing the currently known details about the technical issues of the PS5. This is mainly a confirmation of previous reports. The device is to drive a processor from AMD based on models from the Ryzen 3000 family. The company will also provide a graphics system based on Navi technology. System developer Mark Cerny announced that PS5 will support hardware ray tracing! What’s more, according to earlier information, the console will receive a capacious SSD drive. We are expecting a real revolution in terms of loading times! The PS5 does not forgo an optical drive. On the contrary – new media offering 100GB space are to appear. What’s more, the reader will allow you to play Blu-ray 4K movies.

An interesting novelty is the option to selectively install games. In selected titles, it will be possible, for example, to install only the single player or multiplayer module.

The controller will also see significant changes. The pad is supposed to resemble the Dualshock 4, but inside it has more advanced technology. The most interesting are the adaptive triggers, which in certain situations will put up more or less resistance to the player in order to better reflect the performance of a given action. A completely new vibration system will also be implemented. Journalist Wired claims that while playing the presented demos, he felt completely different experiences when moving the vehicle or character on different surfaces. What’s more, the controller is to be equipped with a USB Type-C port that will allow charging.

We don’t know yet what the PS5 launch titles will be. However, it is known that the console will support backward compatibility. It is also certain that Sony is preparing a great farewell to PS4. Hideo Kojima’s long-awaited Death Stranding will  debut next month  , and next year we’ll be playing  The Last of Us and  Ghosts of Tsushima .

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