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Piter. The Battle of Twins – a preview of the book by Szymun Wroczek from the Metro Universe 2035

If you’re waiting for the third installment of Uber’s history, we have good news: “Piter. Bitwa twins “, a new book by Szymun Wroczek from the Universe of the Metro 2035, coming soon in bookstores.

We’ve been following Uber for ten years: a red skinhead, a cynical scum, a messy angel… A man who wears his nickname proudly as a banner. A story that has not left anyone indifferent yet.

Let us recall … “Piter” , the first volume of the series that opened Dmitry Glukhovsky’s Metro Universe 2033, is a story about Ivan Merkulov, the commander of the diggers from Vasilieostrovskaya metro station in St. Petersburg, and his companions, among whom an important figure is Uber, the leader of red skinheads. The book was well received and invariably ranks among the best titles of the Universe in the rankings.

“Piter. War “, the sequel, which the author made readers wait for eight years, is the story of Uber, an incorrigible dreamer and bully who became embroiled in a vegan war. The book inaugurated the Metro Universe 2035.

The latest novel by Szymun Wroczek, “Piter. The Battle of the Twins ” is the third part of the series. He will reveal everything about Uber… well, maybe almost everything. This red skinhead wasn’t always good and definitely not always fair. But he invariably pays his bills. Ten years before the vegan war, he accidentally found himself in the Perimeter Canal station, terrorized by the dragon and his people. When a time of great bloodshed comes and a slave revolt breaks out behind the empire, Uber rallies a squad of thugs and thugs. Only in this way will he have a shadow of a chance to save the Obukhovo station. The problem is, the dragon might still be alive. And it is in himself.

The work of Szymun Wroczek will debut on July 1. His latest book can be pre-ordered –  “Piter. War of Twins ”is available for a pre-premiere price of PLN 29.99.

Excerpts from the book:

Petersburg before dawn. Three in the morning. Somewhere in the distance to the east, the horizon slowly begins to heat up, like a tungsten wire in a light bulb. Red flashes penetrate from behind it and ignite the air so that it looks as if it is all shining from the inside.

A stone lion with a jagged mouth looks at the Neva, orange light crawls across the stone. A small bird leaps from the lion’s head, torn by bullets … No, not a bird. The lizard bird. He flaps his wings and gains height. The hiss of cutting air. The water surface moves under it at great speed …

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