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Oscar Isaac as Moon Knight?

Moon Knight has been one of those characters over the years that fans wanted to see brought to the screen. To their delight, a series dedicated to the protagonist was announced last year. For several months there has been talk of who should play Marc Spector, and from today the main candidate is an actor known, among others from “Star Wars”.

The Wrap service was the first to report on everything. In their opinion, Oscar Isaac is not only the main candidate for the role of Moon Knight, but is already in the process of contract negotiations. The actor has his resume many roles in productions of fantasy and science fiction genres. Some of the best known include Ex Machina , X-Men: Apocalypse and the Star Wars sequel trilogy . Next year, he will appear in the highly anticipated remake of Dune .

The news of Isaac as the favorite to play Marc Spector may be disappointing for some. Of course, it is not about his acting skills, because he has proved many times that he does not lack these. For some time now, fans have been clamoring Keanu Reeves for the role. Even at some point rumors began to circulate that it was actually taken into account. It is not a secret that the star of, among others Matrixa is in touch with Marvel Studios. Kevin Feige even admitted in one of the interviews that when they start working on a project, he checks if the actor would like to appear in it. Despite the refusals so far, Reeves does not rule out his appearance in the MCU.

Moon Knight is quite a colorful character from the Marvel comics. Although he is often compared to Batman, there are many differences between him and the Dark Knight. As a terrestrial avatar of the Egyptian deity Khonshu, he has access to supernatural abilities. Additionally, he is mentally unstable due to multiple personalities who struggle with each other.

Moon Knight has no release date yet. The series is created with the Disney + platform in mind.

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