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No sex in the big city – review of the comic “Sweet Paprika”, vol. 1

Mirka Andolfo created Mercy , a dark horror with virtually no elements of humor or eroticism, but her most recognizable works, like Against Nature , have a completely different character. Meet the latest – a romantic comedy about an ambitious little devil.


The Devil publishes books at Infernum Press

Charming and terrifying to all of Paprik’s subordinates, she is the editor-in-chief of a very successful publishing house. She made a stunning career thanks to the fact that she found the biggest bestseller of this publisher. All the romantic housewives and busy secretaries want it! The heroine herself has no time for similar sloppy moments, and certainly not for interpersonal relationships.

References to the book by Lauren Weisberger are very clear here, but the monster that harassed her colleagues, pedantic to exaggeration, is a young, beautiful primate. Some kind of warming relations is offered to her only by the notorious seducer, adored by the entire feminized courier office. This is what you see on the cover of the comic.

Paprika is a nightmare woman who we don’t really feel sorry for for being lonely and frustrated. Internal monologues, full of repression, like those found in a handbook, do not save it in the eyes of the reader either. I can point out right away that in the first volume, sometimes it would be preferable for the characters not to say anything, and certainly to refrain from thinking aloud. It is not Jacek Drewnowski’s fault, the translator tries his best (a wonderful “devil” with a great example) – it’s Andolfo. The last chapter of this volume slowly turns straight, but it’s not something you’ll read for the dialogue. And you certainly should not borrow texts from here, the enthusiasm of the girls from the office towards the courier’s compliments can only be explained by living in the shadow of the pathological boss and constant stress.

Where’s my thrill?

Despite its shortcomings , Sweet Paprika has its own specific charm and can be addictive, as long as you go through the first two or three chapters. Andolfo may not be the best writer, but her line disarms and enslaves. Most of the humor and all the eroticism of this comic is in the visual layer. Nobody shows a woman’s breasts as beautifully as an Italian cartoonist – alive, sometimes unexpectedly cross-eyed, dramatically lively … I warn you, if Barbarella or Thorgal are your ideal of beauty, you will experience a shock. Therapeutic, because in terms of tits, it will bring you closer to reality. In addition to this element of anatomy, Andolfo goes into overly perfect shapes, which, however, fits perfectly with the convention of crazy, slightly spicy romantic comedy.

The storyline of Sweet Paprika has nothing to boast about, the protagonist struggles between her liberated mother and the decayed father, whose mother has long since abandoned. Having a powerful Electra complex and not very good experiences with men, she lives like a hardworking ant deprived of heart and private parts until she gets bored. And here begins a not-so-healthy erotic comedy that gravitates towards the romantic side.

You definitely shouldn’t learn life from Mirka Andolfo’s comic book, the plot assumptions and character characteristics are far-fetched here, and the whole plot leading to Paprika finally appearing in the so-called moment is… quite stupid and pretext. And yet, in some surprising way (my hypothesis: drawings) it stirs up emotions and ultimately makes us think of the characters not as a bunch of idiots, unable to meaningfully express themselves, but slightly lost, naive, yet sympathetic people. And follow their private Fashion for success with a great deal of interest. And when they themselves start to give voice to feelings that, incidentally , are completely incomprehensible to them, you might even feel a little touched.

Sweet Paprika is definitely a kind of guilty pleasure , a facade story that allows Andolfo to scratch the breasts and buttocks, but also effective faces, especially the surprised ones. The whole has been calculated on 12 issues, so far 9 are available, the final will appear in Image Comics in August this year. The beginnings are difficult for the reader, then the plot gains … maybe not so much depth as blushes and emotions, thanks to which it ceases to be irritating. It’s a comic for fans of Andolfo and romantic comedies, but the really light ones.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

A light, cheerful, not-so-well-written comic book, which he makes up for with great drawings. It will eventually get you hooked, but the beginnings will be irritating.

PLOT: 5/10
Characters: 6/10
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