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“No one will fall asleep in the forest today” available on Netflix

The premiere of the film “In the forest today nobody will sleep” was scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2020. The event was postponed due to the threat of coronavirus and finally closing theaters. In the end, the movie went straight to the Netflix library .



The premiere of the film “In the forest today nobody will sleep” was scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2020. The event was postponed due to the threat of coronavirus and finally closing theaters. Eventually, the movie went straight to the Netflix library .

A house in the middle of the forest, a monster hunting for a group of teenagers cut off from the world –  “No one will sleep in the forest today”  is a slasher immersed in the aesthetics of American horror of the 1980s. Macabre, grotesque, sex, and in the background a social commentary. There has never been such a game of genre in Poland before.

The action of the film begins quite innocently – a group of teenagers addicted to technology ends up in an “offline camp”. The very fact of being cut off from the media is a horror for them. However, a joint trip in the forests without access to smartphones will not end as planned by the organizers. They will have to fight for real life with something they have not seen even in the darkest corners of the internet. In the face of the deadly danger lurking in the forest, they will discover what true friendship, love and sacrifice are. Will they come out alive or in dismembered pieces?

Recall: originally Bartosz M. Kowalski’s film was supposed to hit theaters on Friday the 13th (March 13, 2020). As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the distributor decided to cancel the premiere.

The official statement of the producers reads:   We are putting the first Polish slasher in the hands of the audience. We are happy that the premiere will take place on Netflix” and that we can now present the film to viewers! For us, the creators, this is a special moment that we have been waiting for for a long time.

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