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No fun without Wolverine – review of the comic book “Wolverine’s Return”

In the world of Marvel comics, no known superhero stays dead for too long. And when a new series begins, we can be absolutely sure of a few resurrections. It is the same this time, and from beyond the worlds one of the most famous mutants – Wolverine!

Do you need to introduce him to someone?

Wolverine is the so-called an antihero who joined the House of Ideas in October 1974. It was then that he had the opportunity to fight Hulk and Wendigo as a guest. He quickly found recognition in the eyes of fans and joined the X-Men group. He was certainly never a role model for others. Unlike Captain America or Spider Man, he never hesitated to extend his adamental claws and kill his opponent. So he did a black job, and also drank, smoked, and the list of his lovers is long. He ended up in the Avengers after all! Before that, however, he had received his own series of notebooks, and his fan base grew. Over the years we got to know him from different angles and most of them weren’t very nice. The real peak of popularity peaked at the beginning of the 21st century, when the character was transferred to the screens and Hugh Jackman played the role of Logan. Then, according to various rankings, Rosomak was ranked second among the most famous Marvel heroes, second only to Spider-Man. However, even for such a star, the creators were ruthless. The authors stripped it of its regenerative power and killed it. The void was to be filled by Old Man Logan, who came from another universe, and Laura Kinney, also known as X-23, made of the hero’s DNA. And while they both looked great, the fans hoped the original Wolverine would come back. And they lived to see it! The void was to be filled by Old Man Logan, who came from another universe, and Laura Kinney, also known as X-23, made of the hero’s DNA. And while they both looked great, the fans hoped the original Wolverine would come back. And they lived to see it! The void was to be filled by Old Man Logan, who came from another universe, and Laura Kinney, also known as X-23, made of the hero’s DNA. And while they both looked great, the fans hoped the original Wolverine would come back. And they lived to see it!

What I’m doing is not very nice

With the advent of Marvel Fresh, the creators bring back more superheroes to their notebooks. Logan also receives a new life. Once drowned in adamentium, he now wakes up in the laboratory with little memory of his past. But he hadn’t forgotten how to use his claws and fight the threat. And these skills are useful to him from the moment of his resurrection. The mysterious Persephone is murdering more scientists and sending her mercenaries against Rosomak. The hero stands up to the fight, trying to save the innocent. However, someone is constantly manipulating him and the mutant does not stop even from attacks aimed at Storm, Iceman or Jean Gray. Moreover, he is not entirely sure if he is just a clone of himself.

Did you fall Rise up!

Wolverine’s Return is a one-volume notebook by Charles Soule, a writer who previously wrote, among others, script for The Death of Wolverine. Apparently, it was decided that since he killed our little Canadian, now is the time for him to revive him as well. And he does it in a pretty cool style. The reader gets a comic book overloaded with action and secrets. From the very beginning, Wolverine has to extend its claws and hack subsequent enemies, and sometimes also friends. The blood is pouring thickly, the limbs fly, and the hero is in his element. Once again, however, he must try to recover his memory and memories and unravel the mystery of a certain Persephone, a woman who supposedly has the power to bring people back to life. As it turns out, her plot is extremely complex and she has a pretty good plan to take over the world. It’s a pity that the author was probably ordered to return the famous mutant to the Marvel world as soon as possible, therefore the solution to the whole problem must fit on several pages. Doing things “quickly” spoils the end result, which is a pity. Fortunately, most of us will reach for the title mainly for the shambles performed by the title character, and in this aspect we will certainly not be disappointed.

Lots of Wolverines!

Wolverine’s Return has been divided into five chapters – Hell , Limbo , Purgatory , Judgment and Heaven.. Steve McNieven is responsible for the drawings for the first and the last one, and for the other three we can see the works of Declan Shalvey. The artist who begins and ends the album is much better. He surpasses his colleague in terms of showing us the next fights, he presents the next characters more interestingly, he does not hesitate to splash us with blood, and he has more things that he wants to put in the background. However, both should be given a plus for dosing secrets and hiding the faces of famous characters resurrected by Persephone. Thanks to this, we can think about who is hiding under the hood. The biggest advantage, however, that Logan fans will surely appreciate are the memories where our hero discovers his past. We see different versions of Wolverine in them, including Weapon X, Patch or a hero in a 1970s outfit. The Egomnt publishing house also took care of fans of Rosomak and on the end pages published several alternative covers with Logan in the lead role. So there is something to watch!

Welcome back home (Ideas)

After more than three years of hiatus, Wolverine returns to the Marvel Comics! It may not be a spectacular entrance and a title that will make our jaws drop, but it is certainly a successful one. It is a pity that the whole story was completed so quickly, because it was possible to continue the story here. On the other hand, who knows, maybe Persephone will still come back? The main task, however, was to bring the famous mutant back to life and this was achieved. Now just wait for him to connect with the rest of the superheroes and start doing what he is best at again!

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Wolverine fans will be delighted, but other comic book lovers shouldn't complain either.

PLOT: 6.5/10
Characters: 8/10
EDITION: 8.5/10
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