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News from Non Stop Comics – January 2020

2020 Non Stop Comics will start with the release of three new titles. Among them are two volumes of the series debuting in Poland, including “Coda”, a story set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. 


The comics will be released on two dates – January 15th and 25th. Two items will debut next week. The full list of titles with release dates, descriptions and sample boards can be found below.


Time of Hate, vol.2
Script: Aleš Kot
Drawings: Danijel Žeželj
Translation: Paweł Cichawa

This is a story about a war. They were separated by tragedy and a sense of loss. Huian sided with the police state, Amanda engaged in a guerrilla struggle against the white supremacy. When it’s time to put their secret plans into action, the heroines will have to make the toughest decisions. The end of a dystopian tragedy.


City of Outcasts, Volume 1: The Man Who Piled Up Junk
Script: Julien Lambert
Drawings: Julien Lambert
Translated by Jakub Syty

In the dirty, ruthless Outcast City, Jacques Peuplier, a muscular and silent private investigator, investigates the disappearance of an obese girl from the underworld. He is helped by objects whose voice Jacques not only hears, but can also talk to them.


Coda, vol 1
Script: Simon Spurrier
Drawings: Matias Bergara
Translated by Marceli Szpak

In the aftermath of an apocalypse that wiped away almost all magic from a once-wonderful fantasy world, a former bard named Hum looks for a way to save his wife’s soul with the help of a mutant unicorn, and against himself he is drawn into a brutal power struggle that will decide forever who rules the Strange Wasteland.

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