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Monster dilemmas – comic book review “Frankenstein is alive, alive!”

After Dracula , KBOOM has decided to continue its horror series. This time, the comic book Frankenstein is alive, alive! created by Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson.


The fate of the monster

The comic book Frankenstein is alive, alive!tells the story of the Frankenstein monster known to almost everyone. However, this is not a presentation of stories known from Mary Shelley’s novels or film adaptations. We are dealing with the continuation of the hero’s adventures after the death of his creator and the escape from the village. The monster is plagued by visions of the past and remorse. He cannot accept the fact that he has killed a man. So he tries to die, but quickly turns out to be immortal. By a twist of fate, she ends up in Dr. Simon Ingles’s house. He is one of the few people who does not see a monster in the hero, allows him to live under his roof, talks with him without prejudice and shares his knowledge. However, Ingles has a dark secret. Before Frankenstein’s monster, there is a dilemma – to be a faithful friend or to help a person in need.

Swan song

Frankenstein is alive, alive! it’s definitely more than just a comic. It is primarily a farewell to the extraordinary cartoonist Bernie Wrightson. For many years, the creator collaborated with the largest comic book publishers, including DC Comics and Marvel. He is the originator and creator of the character known as Swamp Thing. The artist died on March 18, 2017, and his last work was the notebook in question. Early on, we can read a very personal introduction by Frankenstein writer Steve Niles, in which he says goodbye to his friend. We also learn that Wrightson was aware of his terminal illness and that he would not be able to finish Frankenstein.. That is why he personally anointed Kelley Jones as his successor, whose drawings can also be found in the comic.

As for the visual layer, it is delightful. Wrightson wanted his latest work to be perfect, and he made it so. The amount of details in each frame makes it difficult to take your eyes off them. The polished backgrounds mean that we spend a few minutes on each page, and then we return to it to check again if we have missed anything. Unfortunately at some point these details end and the illustrations created by Jones begin. And although the cartoonist best known for creating comic books with Batman in the lead role, there is also no shortage of talent, his style is definitely different from that of his predecessor and the reader may feel a bit unsatisfied.

A story full of drama

Frankenstein is alive, alive! it is not only beautiful illustrations, but also a great script. And although the drawings can be watched endlessly, the comic book also features action, and the reader is eager to learn about the further fate of Frankenstein’s monster. Steve Niles also deserves the highest praise. It does not allow the viewer to get bored for a moment, and what’s more, it forces them to think. A hero who is rejected by society and struggles with his own problems finally finds a friend who truly values ​​him. However, he also has his dark secrets. What should you choose in this case? Is true friendship the most important thing and you should be faithful no matter what? How can we help someone we love? These are certainly questions to which we will have to find the answers ourselves. The author will give us a completely different and not entirely obvious solution.

A bow to the fans

The KBOOM publishing house also took care of the finals of the work by Niles and Wrightson. Just like with Dracula, yes, and here we get our hands on a beautifully published comic. Its format was enlarged and published in a hard, varnished cover. It may be a bit cumbersome to read, but it looks great. The letter by Steve Niles, already mentioned, has also been added. What’s more, there is a real treat for fans on the last pages. Hitherto unpublished sketches by Wrightson have been included. The draftsman did not manage to finish them himself and it was on them that Jones was then based. This form of publication should satisfy every comic book lover. If someone is even more demanding, there is also a variant on the market with a cover by Przemysław Truściński. However, this version is limited, so you’ll need to hurry to get it.

Everyone should have it

Frankenstein is alive, alive! is a real treat for lovers of Mary Shelley’s novels, Wrightson’s work, but also for all comic book lovers. We get everything we could wish for here. The captivating story will force us to reflect, the drawings will catch our eyes for long minutes, and the additions will make us appreciate the work of the creators even more. In the future, we will want to come back to this comic, and we will gladly show it to our friends. That is why it is worth getting your own copy.

Nasza ocena: 9/10

Frankenstein is alive, alive! is the last comic book created by Bernie Wrightson. Both the creators and the Polish publisher made sure to honor the artist's work. We get a real work of art that will decorate every comic collection.

Characters: 9/10
STORY: 9/10
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