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Mission: Save the species – review of the film “Extinct”


Flumaki are cute creatures that look a bit like donuts (and these, in turn, are similar in shape to a torus!). But don’t be deceived by appearances – not all flumaki are good guys (and girls). Ola and Olo have to put their pride in their pockets and set off on a journey that will allow them to understand what is really important in life.

Deep-fried production of Monolith Films

There will be a black sheep in every community, and sometimes … even two. Ola and Olo are just such heroes – their inner “loophole” and life’s awkwardness do not help to gain the respect of the inhabitants of the island. Rejected by the community, they look for ways to spend their free time; then they discover a mysterious “machine” for time travel. The possibilities offered by this device can change the life of the flaskers forever. Throwing into the vortex of adventure, the heroes have to do everything so that their species does not become extinct, which initially resembles the classic mission impossible .


All my life under the buttonhole

The flumaki species was discovered by Charles Darwin in 1885, at least this version of the truth is proposed by the creators of the production. Soon after, the animals (?) Became extinct. Ola and Olo take a sightseeing journey through time to discover what led to this situation. In addition, the heroes set themselves the goal of finding a scientist, the originator of the time machine, which his faithful companions long for, including Charming puppy. The way in which the creators of the animations presented the lives of fictional characters may be liked – the characters are colorful and so cute that you would like to eat them for lunch, but … Well, the film in question is … How to put it … Multithreaded, which unfortunately does not translate on its attractiveness. The first half of the film is a classic Indiana Jones-style adventure game, the second is, in a nutshell, quite a blast. I will not tell you


A little bit of a degenerator

As I mentioned, the film is a conglomerate of many ideas, which gives a rather poor effect. Time travel themes may be enjoyable, but when we add dinosaurs, bombs, a cyclops and a deadly antagonist to them … we definitely say no to such solutions! However, I must praise the music and graphics; you will probably like them as well. In the Polish language version, Monika Dryl and Szymon Roszak played the main roles, moreover, during the screening, we will also hear the voices of Kacper Kuszewski, Ewa Szlachcic, Tomasz Borkowski, Olga Szomańska and others. Polish dubbing is okay, although – I admit – the dialogues are not necessarily memorable. However, I blame the originators, not the actors, for this.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

A screening for persistent viewers who have no expectations of the production.

PLOT: 5/10
Characters: 5/10
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