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Mickey Mouse will cease to belong to The Walt Disney Company?

Grafika dostępna w domenie publicznej, The Walt Disney Company.

On January 1, 2024, the iconic Mickey Mouse is set to go into the public domain. Unless Disney, as is its habit, tries to delay the process again.

Miki first appeared in the 1928 short animation Steamboat Willie . This version of the character will become the public domain in late 2023, 95 years after its release. It should be added that the original term of the copyright in this case was 56 years; until Disney and others opted for the Copyright Act of 1976, which in most cases extended protection to 75 years.

In 1998, Disney pressed for a further extension, which resulted in an extension to 95 years. Knowing the company and its actions, such as the attempt to impose copyright on the Mexican Day of the Dead, we can assume that Mickey Mouse will not leave them without a fight. And if you want to find out how our hero gained the popularity Disney is fighting for so hard, check out our article here .

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