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Marvel’s Avengers – Kate Bishop, Hawkeye and more on War Table

Marvel’s Avengers struggled with a variety of issues. The creators had to fight against piling errors and harsh ratings on the part of players. However, it looks like the title may continue to develop and the promised new heroes will soon start joining the team.

During the special material, War Table, the gameplay and a new storyline related to Kate Bishop were presented. The Archer will work with the Avengers to find her old mentor Clint Barton better known as Hawkeye. While searching, the heroine finds not only her friend, but also a conspiracy related to AIM, Nick Fury and time travel. You can watch the entire War Table with the trailer for Bishop’s adventures below.

In the published material, the creators revealed that the threads of the new heroes will be told through Operations. For Kate Bishop it will be Taking AIM, and for Hawkeye who will be joining as a playable character early next year – Future Imperfect. Both operations are part of the first season starting next month, on December 8, with the adventure of the archer. These and the next ones may contain new heroes, villains and biomes in which the maps will be built. Operation Taking AIM is to be available for free.

As we mentioned at the beginning, Kate will have to cross the time barrier to find Clint. This story element will be further developed in Operation Future Imperfect. Hawkeye will travel to the distant future where the Earth has become a post-apocalyptic wasteland. There he will face one of the most powerful versions of the Hulk, the Maestro. By the way, it is worth noting that among the “mementos” of the heroes that lie at the feet of the villain, there is a Black Panther mask. Perhaps he will be one of the next heroes to be added. So far, the only confirmed playable character (apart from Kate and Clint) who will join Avengers is Spider-Man, but only for Sony consoles.

In early 2021, the title will officially debut on PS5 and XBOX Series X / S. If you own Marvel’s Avengers for the previous generation, you don’t have to worry about having to buy the game again. It will be possible to upgrade the version to new hardware from Sony and Microsoft at no extra charge. The full crossplay and crsossgen will also be available, i.e. playing online, everyone will be able to play together without any hardware restrictions.


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