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Marvel Studios planning a fifth Thor?

(L-R): Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Natalie Portman as The Mighty Thor in Marvel Studios' THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER. Photo by Jasin Boland. ©Marvel Studios 2022. All Rights Reserved.

Marvel Studios’ Thor 5 is rumored to be in development! Such speculation, at least, appeared on the Internet after the release of the book Thor: Love and Thunder The Official Movie Special and the quote from Taik Waititi in it.

Taika Waititi revealed in the book Thor: Love and Thunder The Official Movie Special that he would like the superhero to face an opponent stronger than Hela. This short statement caused a real storm on social media. The rumor that Odinson was to get another film is confirmed by Twitter user MyTimeToShineHello. His reports about Marvel Studios’ plans have been confirmed many times, so many people consider it a reliable source. Moreover, it is said that Taika Waititi would return behind the camera. So far, however, we have not received any official information. Some say that due to the writers’ and actors’ strike, contracts cannot be signed or announced at the moment.

Although all the information is just rumors, fans have already started to relate to her anyway. Most would like to return to the role of Chris Hemsworth, but not necessarily Waititi again at the helm. The reason for this is the not very successful Thor: Love and Thunder , which was poorly received by viewers and critics.

Sam Hemsworth in a recent statement stated that:

I have to be careful how I word it because I have no idea what will happen in the next phase. Before anything becomes official, people throw ideas around. But officially I don’t know what will happen. I want to go back to the role until people are so exhausted that they roll their eyes when they see me come on screen as that character… If the audience wants to see that, that’s great for me. I liked that I was able to reinvent the character a few times. I don’t have an answer yet, but I’d like to try [figure out] how we can do it again and keep it a bit unpredictable.

As you can see, the actor would love to return to the role of Thor and it is almost certain that he will grab Mjolnir again. Most likely, we will see him in the next part of Avengers . Will he get a solo production though? We’ll probably find out soon enough.

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