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Let’s meet and play! Tychy – Report and description of the initiative

“Let’s meet, let’s play!” initiative is a joint venture organized in various cities in Poland. We decided to go to Tychy!

From September 16, in various cities in Poland, associated board game clubs organized meetings aimed at promoting spending free time playing board games . Depending on the location, the meetings could only start today (September 17), but in Tychy the meeting ended, so we present you some photos from it:

During the event, you could bring and play your own board games with others or use the games available directly on site, i.e. at the Municipal Public Library in Tychy.

If someone wanted to be a bit competitive, they could take part in the “Flea Circus” or “Mysterious Underground” tournament. The prizes were very encouraging, but I personally gave up on tournaments and decided to indulge my artistic imagination in the game “Canvas” and drive along the dangerous roads offered by “Gretchiny!”

The entire event was under the watchful eye of the “Planszówki w Mediateka” club. They guaranteed a nice atmosphere and were very helpful if anyone needed explanations of the rules of a certain title.

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