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Less than 300 stupid things – review of the movie “The Exorcist: The Confessor”

The first E the Exorcist premiered in 1973, and despite this, it still makes a stunning impression. Can the same be said about the latest version?


Faith makes miracles

Once again, we see an attempt to revive the brand about the fight between priests and demons. The last time the series was broadcast in 2016, which was quite well received (rating 7.6 on Filmweb ) . However, the believer once again focuses on full-length impressions, and at the same time tries to introduce elements that are completely inappropriate and take away the sense of the entire concept of the presented world.

The film begins in Alfred Hitchcock’s satisfaction, with an earthquake. As a result, the buildings begin to fall apart, which ends in tragedy for a pregnant woman who tried to escape. Her condition is critical, and the woman’s husband, Victor, is faced with a difficult decision: to save his loved one or his child.

Then we move back in time, where Victor lives quite peacefully with his daughter Angela, but of course this cannot last long, because the girl plans to play ghost summoning with her classmate Katherine. Because 13-year-olds don’t have better ideas for spending their free time. A spiritualistic séance ends with the girls missing, and concerned parents begin a search.

The very beginning definitely encourages the viewer to further explore the story. The difficult choice of the main character, a short but very interesting attempt at summoning spirits and the search for the girls all start the plot in a mysterious and intriguing way, but the further into the forest, the worse it gets.

A fragment of the trailer of “The Exorcist: The Confessor” from Universal Pictures

The old man still has class

The characterization of the possessed people works well, but the non-romantic comedy is the fact that the possessed Regan from the original part looked better (or maybe in this case I should write “worse”) than what the latest part offered us. These films are 50 years apart, I think the quality should improve and not dive straight into the ninth circle of hell.

I am not a defender of Christ, but the world presented is strongly connected with the Church and Christian theology. Therefore, priests, and more precisely the titular e -exorcists, should play an important role. Here, the importance of priests was marginalized in such a way that we even have the story of a self-proclaimed “exorcism expert.” I would like to remind you that the story of the first part ended ( Spoiler ) with the death of both priests, because fighting demons in this universe is not as easy as on the easiest difficulty level in Doom Eternal .

And since I mentioned the demon, the heroes probably have to deal with some Uberdemon, because this nice guy can possess as many as 2 people at once. Maybe in the universe of Bartosz Walaszek’s exorcist it wouldn’t be bad, but here it is completely inconsistent with what the source material showed.

Moreover, the film is very “polite” compared to the 1973 version, Regan was actually possessed, her behavior was sick and gave an unpleasant feeling. And here we are completely unmoved by the behavior of people possessed by a demon .

The destruction of a masterpiece

And this is the main problem of The Exorcist: The Confessor . Unfortunately, it is “connected” with a horror film , which is still considered a masterpiece. Not only did the scriptwriters take on a topic that was far too difficult for them, but also, while trying to introduce their own ideas, they completely ignored important elements of the original. In fact, the only thing these films have in common is the title, a couple of old actors and a distinctive soundtrack.

Let’s try to assume a scenario that it would be some other world, where the flaws I presented would go away. Then I would still rate the film in question as something below average. First of all, we have the greatest sin of a bad horror film, which is ignoring the fact that the film should be scary. There are no scenes that would give us chills, no atmosphere and jump scares that may not be obvious . If that’s all the movie offers and calls itself a horror film, it’s a pure lie.

After the beginning that I praised, the film does nothing to keep the viewer interested. The boredom here pours out of the screen to such an extent that I almost drowned in my chair. Additionally, there is nothing that makes the show stand out in any way in terms of execution or plot. So I think that after leaving the cinema you will forget about it after a while.

To add to the boredom, it was decided to add three moralizing monologues. I understand one at the end of the film, in the form of a summary, but three is too much . I only feel sorry for the actors, because the acting itself is at a satisfactory level and if it weren’t for a lot of stupidity around it, it would even be believable.

And during the screening we will notice not only stupid things that can be laughed at, but also very disgusting ones that deny the love of a parent for a child. The scriptwriters did a great job here.

In fact, The Exorcist: The Confessor without any connection to the series would be an uninteresting and soulless mediocre film, and for ruining the good name of such an iconic work, this film should be forgotten and thrown into the trash.

We would like to thank the Cinema City cinema chain for the opportunity to watch the film !

Nasza ocena: 2/10

A terrible film linked to the cult film The Exorcist , which destroys its good name

FEAR: 1/10
PLOT: 4/10
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