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Lada Łuzina will appear at the Warsaw Fantasy Fair!

On Sunday, there will be a unique opportunity to meet the author of the Witches of Kiev series and buy books from the Insignis publishing house at favorable prices

We cordially invite you to visit the unique stand of Insignis Publishing House. There are amazing deals waiting there: all softcover books for only PLN 25, others with a discount of at least 30%, and fantastic gadgets!

Get the best-selling titles: The Witches of Kiev. A Shot at the Opera – the second volume of Lada Luzina’s series about Kiev witches, The World of the Transubstantiated. Volume 1: Without the Right to Error – the first volume of the new LitRPG series by Vasily Makhanenko, the only official biography of Terry Pratchett – Terry Pratchett. The Annotated Life , by Rob Wilkins, Terry’s longtime assistant, guardian and friend, the graphic novel Metro 2033 based on the book by Dmitry Glukhovsky, and the pre-release of Polly Ho-Yen’s Dark Lullaby , a terrifying dystopia reminiscent of The Handmaid’s Tale and 1984 .

Take a photo with the orc Viv from Legend and Latte , help yourself to some delicious cinnamon and talk to the editors, Aśku and Marek, about the details of working on fantastic books – and maybe they will reveal something about the upcoming premieres!

The special guest of Insignis Publishing House during the Warsaw Fantasy Fair will be Lada Łuzina, author of the Witches of Kiev series , who will come for this occasion from the capital of witches. The meeting with Łada will take place on Sunday, September 17 at 11:00.


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