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It’s time to beat the monsters! – review of the board game “Chronicles of Avel Castle” and the supplement “Hero’s Essentials”

The Chronicles of Avel Castle is a cooperative adventure game in which we have to save Avel from the terrible Monster! Does this item offer any original solutions?


To win, you first need to prepare

In The  Chronicles of Castle Avel,  players work together to defeat the Monster. Everyone takes two actions in turn. You can move to an adjacent tile, and if it is facedown, reveal it first and place a monster if there is a lair there. Of course, we can fight the monsters. The duel may last up to three rounds. It is based on dice rolls. There are empty spaces on the sides, as well as attack and defense symbols. To kill a beast you need to reduce its health to zero, which can be difficult when the creature has five HP, which is the same as us. It is worth noting that at the beginning we only have two dice at our disposal, so we won’t do without wounds in the first battles (that’s why we can spend actions on regaining two health points).

The last option is to launch an action from the location tile, which allows you to build walls, set traps for the Monster or block a lair. All this to prepare for the rise of the Black Moon. Then the Boss appears (14-20 HP), who will start the march to our castle, and the remaining monsters on the board will follow in his footsteps. If we kill all the enemies before they enter the city – we win. It is worth mentioning that thanks to battles with monsters, we gain money, as well as equipment that can be improved, which will result in, among other things, access to additional cubes.

Time to collect… equipment!

The gameplay is simple but not trivial. Initially, we do not feel any time pressure. We can freely discover tiles and hunt monsters to collect better equipment or buy items, traps, and build walls. In case of death, we only go back to the castle, we lose money and one item. Thus, we cannot lose for almost the entire game. Nevertheless, with each subsequent turn, we begin to feel a certain unease. We must finally stop the tough Monstrosity and the horde of enemies.

What’s worst, however, no lair has been blocked, and this is where new creatures appear every two turns. Most disturbingly, the three cavities of the beast are always located near the castle. In the end, it turns out we don’t have time to figure it out. We need better equipment (sword, shield, helmet), it would be best to upgrade it, and for that we need to build walls, traps and moon seals. I really like this theme. We seem to have time, but on the other hand, you have to make the best use of it. In the last turns, we must also start planning our movements better so that we can return to the vicinity of the castle and fight off the horde of enemies.

A fascinating bestiary

Much could still be said about the  Chronicles of Avel Castle  . However, it is worth mentioning about interesting additions. First, we can create our own character. We have a sheet showing the silhouette of a fighter or female warrior; if someone wants, they can color it and give it their name. The authors, however, propose to consult the stars – until the age, we put a special board and throw dice that determine the name and surname of our hero. This is how even the brave Czcibór Okazały was born.

We have cutouts for items on the character board, thanks to which our hero, armed with a sword, shield and helmet, looks epic. In addition, our backpack can contain a limited number of items, and its capacity depends only on our skills. Thus, we have fun in  Tetris . Each equipment has a different shape, so there is a lot of fun with the backpack. Let’s add the equipment sourcing system to that. The teammate counts up to five, while we rummage through the bag. You want a shield, you try to feel for it, but as it sometimes is, you end up taking your helmet out. Great fun!

The shadows hidden in the castle

In my opinion, the biggest disadvantage of the  Chronicles of Avel Castle  is certain schematicity and repeatability. Of course, we have three difficulty levels and several different map layouts, but the game area is always the same location. Thus, a proven method can be developed. For example, I personally feel that traps perform poorly compared to lunar seals. It is a pity that there is no other scenario or a different boss here yet.

The difficulty level also leaves a lot to be desired. In the higher ones there are only more minor attackers. And of course the great horde is quite a challenge, but I still feel like I’m doing the same. In addition, it seems to me that the game for four players is simpler, we discover the map more efficiently and prepare for the arrival of the boss. However, in order not to leave you convinced that these disadvantages are significant, I will mention that in two days I played six games and so far  I have not got bored with Avel . Despite some schematicity, the game is a lot of fun.

A few words about the add-on

The hero  ‘s kit is an accessory that surprises at the very beginning. It consists of only cardboard elements, so instead of a box, the publisher sends them only wrapped in paper. I really like it. Considering that the add-on fits in the stand, I am very happy with this economy. I hope that publishing houses will more often decide to take such a step, instead of filling the boxes with air.

What does Hero’s Essentials give us  ? New elixirs and, most importantly, shoes that, after upgrading, make it easier for us to navigate the tiles. Plus, three new monsters and three new locations. One of the locations will allow us to place a ballista. It is a brilliant toy useful not only during the horde’s attack. It shoots at the beginning of each turn, so we can weaken it before fighting a given monster. What are the disadvantages of this supplement? First, the layout of the board with new tiles must be checked on the net. Secondly, the new monsters did not impress me personally (for defeating them, we get a unique pet, but somehow I preferred to fight the previous ones). In my opinion, the best part of the expansion is the ballistae, which are much more interesting than the monster traps.

Is it worth saving Avel?

The Chronicles of Avel Castle  is a game that could be written about for a long time. The most important thing, however, is to emphasize that we are dealing with a product refined in every detail. And I’m not talking about the gameplay itself, but about brilliant details, such as the previously unmentioned folding box for game elements or a well-written bestiary. Thus, the feeling is not so much acting as delving into an amazing, exciting fantasy world.

Younger players will be delighted with all the extras included in the box. On the other hand, the older ones will appreciate the short time to prepare the game and the game itself. For example, I like  Arkham Horror 3rd ed. , but the thought of taking this monster apart makes me lose the desire to play. On the other hand, I will always be happy to fight the monsters in the  Chronicles of Castle Avel , because I will definitely find the time and the desire to delve into this world.

Finally, I would like to add that for such a low price, it is also worth taking an interest in the addition, because they add ballistae, and this is a brilliant toy for all adventurers.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

The Chronicles of Avel Castle  is a board game pampered in every way!

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