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Is it haunting in the desert? – review of the game “Amnesia: Rebirth”

Frictional Games has just released the third installment of the horror movie Amnesia . The previous two were rated very well and gained a whole lot of fans. Does Rebirth live up to its predecessors?

On the way through Algeria

The main character of Amnesia: Rebirth is Tasi Trianon, who, together with her husband and several other people, is involved in the crash of an airplane flying over the Algerian desert. After regaining consciousness, the woman loses some of her memories. Moreover, there are no other passengers around it. Not knowing what happened, he starts searching. She goes to a mysterious cave – full of fragments of her past, puzzles, dangers and a gateway to another dimension. Willing to get out of this place, he loses his senses more and more. Can she get out before she goes completely crazy?

I can’t see the end …

Frictional Games has already shown that it can make horrors. While many other publishers have tried to match them and repeat Amnesia’s success , so far no one has managed to do so. Fans appreciated the atmosphere and plot of the previous parts. And if something is good, why spoil it? And the creators… that’s not exactly what they thought. They left a few things, changed a bit and we got a production that will not repeat the achievements of the original. First things first. If you’ve played any other Amnesia games , it’s Rebirththe mechanics itself will not surprise you. You will again traverse corridors, new places and new levels, and solve tons of puzzles along the way. In order to figure them out, you will often have to look for numerous items that fit in the right place and allow you to run something. In addition, there will be monsters lurking in the shadows, who are trying to kill you, and your only option is to run away and hide from them. There are also numerous flashbacks, scraps of the main character’s past and a constant journey leading to an unknown destination. Plus, staying in the dark for too long will drive you crazy. So everything is the old way. What has changed? Rebirthis not a continuation of the series, but its new version. Instead of the castle, we will walk in caves and desert. By the way, we will be thrown into the open world. After leaving the crashed plane, we will have a huge area on which we can move freely. There are many paths ahead of us and no one will dictate exactly where we should go. On the one hand, it’s good and more realistic, but on the other hand, it will take us a long time to find an important place for the plot. Wandering on the sandy ground, where nothing scares us or anything interesting, will just be boring. And when the sandstorm, limiting our field of vision, begins, our search will be extended, and we may discourage ourselves from staying at the computer. By the way, the monsters waiting for our lives will appear quite late, and it is possible to get closer to them, which makes it impossible to scare the player at a given stage of the game. Of course, there are a few waiting for usjump scares that make us jump in the chair, but there are fewer of them than in the previous parts. And on top of all this, we will quickly discover that our death is not too terrible. For Tasi will go back in time and revive a few scenes earlier in order to try again to regain memory.

All plates for the trunk

Creators of Amnesia: Rebirthput a lot of work into the graphics and sound of the game. Is it perfect? Not completely. When it comes to music, you can’t fault anything here. It may not be remembered, but it also does not distract us and is well suited to the events on the screen. Properly toned when we wander in the desert, restless and full of tension while traversing a dark cave, and can attack along with the monster to rush us on our run. Nor can you complain too much about the graphics. We get beautiful pencil sketches, which are fragments of the memories of the main character. The desert and the view of the setting sun seem as realistic as possible. The caves are suitably dark and claustrophobic. Also, sandstorms, which are designed to make orientation in the field difficult for us, work as they should. Efforts were also made to to make the monsters that haunt us look terrifying. There will probably be those who will appreciate the fact that almost every object in the game can be picked up, kicked or thrown. Bowls, plates, cutlery, bags, stones and much, much more are just waiting for our move. By the way – the bottles will break when they fly towards the boulder. We can also move objects from place to place. It is useless, because we will not defeat the enemy with them and, as a last resort, we can only mark our way in this way. Theoretically unnecessary, but I love the production for giving me such an opportunity and I use it painfully. So what’s wrong? Unfortunately, the people have not been refined. Although by the vast majority of us we will not meet anyone but monsters on our way, when we find a man who is still alive and not in a state of decay, it will not look good. He seems to lack his faults and has all his body parts in place, but he is far from flesh and blood people. A few years ago, we would probably have been delving into beautiful figures and details, but now we have to admit that every person who is not just a black and white photo or sketch looks average at best.

What should I be afraid of?

By creating Amnesia, Frictional Games set the bar for other horror publishers and for themselves very high. Meanwhile, Rebirthhe doesn’t even try to jump to her. It is not a tragic title that should be avoided, but some disappointment should be felt. Thanks to claustrophobic rooms, monsters chasing us in the dark, standing on the threshold of the main character’s madness, crazy flashbacks and a good soundtrack, there is something to be afraid of. In addition, numerous puzzles force us to move our heads and increase the desire to solve them. However, in the end, the story is not as addictive as in the previous parts. There is also an unnecessary open ground where we will often wander aimlessly, and therefore we will feel discomfort and weariness instead of fear. The authors have also prepared many paths for us to choose from. For the most part, we won’t be able to return to the crossroads and see what was hidden in another part of the cave.Amnesia: Rebirth , but after more than nine hours of play (though probably if I didn’t touch all the items, it would be shorter) and seeing the ending, I wouldn’t like to go back to Algeria and the adventures of Mrs. Tasi Trianon. However, if you are bored and need to visit sandy and hot areas and you want a thrill, sit down to play and check what happened in the third installment of the famous horror movie.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Amnesia: Rebirth stands out from the previous parts. Still a title worthy of attention, but not as addictive. Many people may quit the game even before the end of the game.

SOUND: 9/10
STORY: 6.5/10
GRAPHICS: 8.5/10
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