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I’m under control – review of the comic book “Cyberpunk. Your voice”

Trauma team is an example of a great introduction to the fascinating universe of Cyberpunk 2077 . How does the second volume, Your Voice, fare against it ?


From Zero To Hero?

Cyberpunk 2077. Your Voice is the second volume about the events taking place in the universe made famous by CD Projekt Red. Of course, this is a completely different story with the other heroes. And that’s good, because I don’t see any sense in continuing the thread from the Trauma Team . Your voice is also single- speak , albeit with no open end this time. So what is he talking about? It focuses on the fate of Todd, an ordinary subway technician who accidentally gets caught up in a scandal involving a fascinating woman. Therefore, instead of repairing the tracks, he first tries to find this special girl and then help her. To do this, he will have to visit various fixers and even meet Johnny Silverhand face to face.

The story told in the comic is captivating, but on the other hand it is a bit chaotic. The plot runs at breakneck speed. The main character is only an insignificant pawn in a larger game. It’s a little harder to bite into this story for someone who, like me, has not had much contact with this universe. A few more terms come up. In addition, Johnny Silverhand himself appears on the pages of the comic. I think the presence of this hero will make a much greater impression on someone who has played a computer game.

What is it like to see through goggles?

The graphic design is specific. This, in my opinion, is the most appropriate term for the author’s line. It reflects to some extent the charm of the cyberpunk universe, but at the same time it is ugly in my opinion. The frames are devoid of details, and sometimes they are simply unreadable, the chaotic fight scenes are also poor. However, I can mention some great moments, for example when we look through the main character’s goggles. Similarly, a draftsman skillfully captures the glow of monitors. I have no doubts that there will be those who will appreciate the graphics, but I am more convinced by the style of Miguel Valderram from the first volume of Cyberpunk 2077.. I do not stick to the release too much, because what really bothers me is the lack of consistency in the design of the comic’s spine. Where’s the number two? If someone is planning to put a beautiful collection on the shelf, unfortunately he has to take into account some inconsistency.

Is Night City worth visiting again?

Cyberpunk 2077 is an intriguing universe. I liked the first volume very much, the second did not disappoint me, but it also did not arouse my appetite for other items from the world of Cyberpunk 2077. Interesting story, decent heroes, but unfortunately a specific line. It is just average in every way. The best trick in this volume is to show the world through the eyes of Todd. And the final twist also positively surprised me, but it’s still not much – only the strong six.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

A decent story set in a fascinating universe.

PLOT: 6/10
Characters: 6/10
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