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I’m not allowed to play at all! – review of the comic book “Garfield. The Fat Cat’s Three-Pack ”vol. 7

We celebrated Garfield’s birthday in June, and now we’re reading another volume of Fat Cat Three-Pack . In this book, America’s favorite cat does not shy away from jokes: he sticks the phone to his owner’s ear, consistently collects postmen’s hats and eats everything that can be eaten from the refrigerator (I guess you are not surprised, huh?).

ines załęskaGarfield sticks out: I’m not taking prisoners

The seventh volume of Fatty Cat’s Three Pack begins with a short natural history of dogs according to Professor Garfield. The scientist emphasizes that little has changed since the time of the Protops. Odie’s image was used to better understand the problem. In the first part of the Fat Cat Three PackGarfield Sticks Out – America’s favorite cat will not be able to constantly torment the domestic dog. On the contrary – Odie will start playing back! Before this happens, however, the animal heroes will sing together the once popular song Spanish Girls. In this part, Garfield will show Jon how to prepare toasts à la a pusher, in the interests of the owner’s health (?), He will kill a huge spider (after this situation Jon will lose the desire to finish his sandwich and … his teeth), and also go camping with his friends (a real survivor *, you must see this!). The funniest, however, are the various – historical, pop-culture, abstract – incarnations of a cat, including: koto-Henry VIII, koto-Wiking, cat Garfield in black, koto-rooster, koto-hamlet ( Eat or not eat … ) or cat- Einstein, which we can watch in the top bar at the beginning of each new story.

Garfield fills the space: A dozen donuts, six pancakes, a pound of ham and a liter of milk

Jon continues in search of the love of his life. To do this, he picks up the phone and talks to voicemail, which worries Garfield seriously. The main reason for such a situation is the lack of companionship, which – in contrast – Fatty cannot complain about. In his spare time, Garfield tries to catch a mouse, arranges a crib for Pooky (who, incidentally, has recently learned to skate), catches nearby birds, teases his neighbor’s dog, “plays” with Odie, goes to the farm to Jon’s parents and fights with a spider (with success). When we read the second part of the seventh volume of Fatty Cat’s Three Pack, we will find out what the cat’s greatest fear is – the loneliness it experiences during its nightmare. Fortunately, the Christmas season brings him back to his good mood and faith in … Santa Claus and gifts. The greed that “tugs with the strings of [the cat’s] heart”, however, prevents him from enjoying the atmosphere until he receives a really great gift. These few stripes will move your hearts, I promise!

Garfield grinds his tongue: Would I disturb your sleep if I woke you?

How do you recognize Garfield in your home? Jim Davis cautions to pay attention when neighborhood dogs receive anonymous threatening letters, the cost of grocery shopping exceeds public debt, and a cat shows you no more respect than veils. Sounds familiar! Even while on vacation, Garfield needs to replenish his calories, so there may be – and has happened – that banana and coconut sunscreen won’t last. In this part of the Fat Cat Three-PackJon will again want to take care of a relationship with his animal wards, and to this end he will buy (sew?) Them even the same suits. Garfield, however – for all his sympathy for the owner – will not want to identify with family members. Instead, he will start thinking about new pranks: how to kick Odie to the moon, how to cheat the scale by weighing individual parts of his body (“even the mustache is fat”), how to paint the wall with the dog’s tongue or how to steal food when no one can see. On the last insert, we can read about Garfield’s ten biggest nightmares, including: Nermal is cloned, Diet on Monday, He sucks in air next to Jon’s dirty socks.

No limits – we laugh!

The seventh volume of Fatty Cat’s Three-Pack is special for many reasons: you will smile more than once, you will get hungry watching Garfield’s delicacies, see how Odie spends his free time ( War and Peace ? Mozart?), You will meet Fatty’s new loves and you’ll understand why the hero is so busy. The fat joker will provide you with attractions for a few hours.

* original spelling.

Nasza ocena: 9/10

You can get addicted to such a dose of laughter, especially since Jim Davis offers only fantastic stories in this volume!

Characters: 9/10
STYLE: 10/10
STORY: 10/10
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