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I’m awake because I’m on a crusade! – review of the game “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous”

After the successful Pathfinder: Kingmaker from 2018, Owlcat Games immediately started working on another epic adventure set in Golarion. In Wrath of the Righteous, we will create a new hero who will lead the Fifth Crusade and travel from Kenabres to counter the army of demons pouring out into the world through a portal hidden in the heart of the warped land known as The Worldwound.

What is this Pathfinder?

Fans of table RPGs – or at least their computer adaptations – probably know what Pathfinder is . The rest, however, I would like to briefly introduce the subject. If team-based isometric RPGs set in fantasy settings immediately associate you with the Dungeons & Dragons system , you’re on the right track. Most of the classics from the 90s used D&D as a base . Baldur’s Gate or Icewind Dale benefited from the second edition of this system, while e.g. Neverwinter Nights– from the third. The times of the close relationship of computer games with a tabletop role-playing game, however, came to an end with the premiere of the fourth edition, introducing far-reaching and quite coldly accepted changes that divided the fans.

It was at this time that Pathfinder was born as a “spiritual heir” to the older D&D editions and an alternative for players dissatisfied with the direction the series took. This independent leg of the iconic system has gained enough supporters to stay on the publishing market, and in 2018 to see a computer adaptation, Pathfinder: Kingmaker , clearly referring to the tradition of the classics I mentioned earlier. Wrath of the Righteous adheres to this approach, implementing a digital version of the campaign (the so-called adventure path ) of the same title. And it must be admitted that the work of Owlcat Games does it well, reaching for the influences and mechanics of many different genres, not just typical RPGs.

Before you hit the road… you know what to do!

The core of the Wrath of the Righteous gameplayOf course, the old, good exploration of the closed locations of the fantastic world remains, of course, with the help of a team of daredevils divided into appropriate classes. At the beginning, we create our avatar, deciding on its appearance, gender, race and profession. Already in the first scene we find ourselves in the very center of the events – seriously injured and unconscious, we are brought to the market square of Kenabres and healed by a mighty dragon in human form, Terendelev. Once we get back on our feet and answer a few uncomfortable questions, we are set free and we can join the ongoing holiday, offering many festive attractions. Unfortunately, the idyll doesn’t last long as the city center is literally torn in half with a powerful blow from a giant locust-like demon lord named Deskari. Terendelev falls dead, Kenabres is flooded by an army of demons,

And here, of course, begins getting to know the many independent figures and connecting the more significant of them to our venture. Potential companions, as has already been the case in Kingmaker , are diverse and well-written, so we will soon be fond of – or just the opposite – of everyone. It is worth noting that Wrath of the Righteous plays with schematics in a nice way, thanks to which even such a boring character as paladin (the basic knights of light has always been the least interesting archetype for me, don’t beat!) Has its second bottom and will quickly surprise us with a tendency to joke. and games or reactions associated more with “chaotic” than “law-abiding” characters.

Each of the companions has a distinct character and their own story to tell, so I could dwell on them for hours. As an encouragement, I will only mention my favorite companion, Ember – an elven orphan with burned hands, with magical abilities of unknown origin. Even though most of the other NPCs are quite hostile towards the girl, seeing her as being in the clouds or, without trying, crazy, I was able to appreciate the mixture of the mystical sage approach with the naivety and simplicity of a child’s mind present in her statements. Usually, a single comment from Ember is enough to introduce grotesque humor into an exchange or to unexpectedly turn our point of view on an issue upside down.

The farther into the forest, the more… of everything!

As with Kingmaker, the scale of the adventure grows with each completed act, and the creators give us more mechanics and independent screens to manage more than just our team of daredevils. As this time our goal is not to unite the country and strengthen its power, but to conduct an armed expedition against the demons, the whole thing is slightly different from its predecessor. When we manage to complete act one, a surprise awaits us – the map we are moving on will be divided into two plans. One of them is used to move the team between locations as standard, while the other is responsible for managing the army. It will receive its own movement points and will move regardless of the direction taken by the main character’s group, while the forces and fortifications of the Abyssal spawns will stand in its way,Heroes of Might and Magic V (or any of the later installments in the series).

Ten element Wrath of the RighteousHe certainly received a lot of attention from the developers and functions to some extent as an additional “game in the game”, but I had mixed feelings about him. Diverse units and the ability to recruit generals with their own portraits and abilities make a very positive impression at the beginning, and the first clashes can actually be fun. At later stages, managing the army can also be a nice change of pace and a springboard from the core of the game, but it is impossible not to notice some shortcomings and conventions resulting from the simple fact that we are not dealing with a real strategy game. Many battles only boil down to whether our spells are able to resurrect the army faster than the enemy is able to kill them. It is especially clearly visible in fights with opponents of the “damage sponge” type, who are basically not a threat, but can withstand huge amounts of attacks, which artificially – and irritatingly – lengthens the time of clashes. The skirmishes also lack some sensible mechanics to control the battlefield, because the troops are able to run carelessly between enemy lines, which makes it practically impossible, for example, to stop the infantry from reaching our archers.

This is also not the end, because the culmination of the second act is taking control over a famous citadel and the city surrounding it, as a result of which an economic aspect is added to the whole, and we can play in erecting buildings in specific towns and villages, almost identically to what we know from Kingmaker . The system of commissioning subordinates from the “tactical table” of large-scale projects lasting many days is also coming back.

No holds barred against the evil forces!

Although one might expect that the title “anger of the righteous” in conjunction
with the theme of the crusade would mean assigning us to the group of good and righteous, nothing could be more wrong. The invasion of demons is treated by many more like a kind of natural disaster than regular warfare, thanks to which both the rulers and the population themselves are willing to allow the crusaders much to free them from the threat. Both during the adventures with our team and during the duties of the commander in charge of the crusade, we can act as capriciously or ruthlessly as we like. Of course, everything we do has consequences, but nothing prevents us from resorting to some really dirty tricks in our war.

This is also reflected in the mechanics itself – in addition to the expected, I think, freedom to create a form classified as “chaotic” or even “evil”, we also get the option to choose the so-called. Mythic Paths ( Mythic Path) . The protagonist, in addition to the standard levels associated with the character class, as the story progresses, gains access to ten Mythical Ranks, working similarly to the regular levels, but counted independently. The Chosen Path allows us to personalize our crusade even more, because the units led by the Angel or the Golden Dragon will function completely differently than those led by the Demon or the undead Lich.

This is one of the key decisions we will have to make, as the game offers ten different Paths, each with its own unlocking conditions, unique bonuses for the main character and his companions, as well as a storyline that influences the perception of both us and us. and our armies through the world of Golarion.

Did the sequel live up to expectations?

Although Pathfinder: Kingmaker set the bar really high, the devs managed to deliver another solid title, probably unbeaten by its predecessor. Wrath of the Righteous features an engaging, non-linear story, intriguing, memorable characters, and a wealth of mechanics trying their best to bring the complexity and freedom of playing an epic campaign in a tabletop role-playing game to home screens. Yes, the high level of difficulty and the rather complicated nature of both the works of Owlcat Games and Pathfinder itself may scare newcomers, but veterans of the genre will surely enjoy it. I can appeal to the first group at this point – don’t be ashamed to play casual gamesand learn everything “take it easy”. It’s definitely worth it!

Nasza ocena: 9/10

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is another great title from Russian Owlcat Games. Nostalgic notes of references to classics like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights are mixed with the creative freedom and wealth of mechanics available to contemporary gamedev.

PLOT: 10/10
SOUND: 9/10
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