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‘I’ll be back’, which is today the anniversary of the premiere of the first “Terminator”

Ladies and Gentlemen, today is the anniversary of the premiere of a true classic among science-fiction films! On October 26, 1984, “Terminator” was released!

After this movie, nothing was the same. He set new paths and permanently entered the canon of reading for a true fan of fantasy. The title means the one who ends (implicitly – human life). The film was shot in California, and the director and co-writer of the script was James Cameron. Apparently the idea came to him in a dream while he was shooting another film in Rome. Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson refused to play Terminator, while Schwarzenegger was to be Rees. Fortunately, Cameron changed his mind after meeting him, and the legend was born.

The action takes place in the 1980s, and the title character is an android from the future, whose task is to kill the mother of the future leader of the rebellion against robots. Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) considers herself an average girl and is rather far from thinking about children. A metal skeleton covered with living tissue called T-101 does not anticipate the problems of such a simple task as killing one woman (and smashing half the city). He comes to Earth naked as Skynet created him, which gives us the opportunity to admire the beautiful and practiced figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Skynet’s military defense system was turned on and gained self-awareness in 1997, and the struggle for domination between robots and humans began shortly thereafter. In 2029, the system, knowing it was losing, cleverly dispatched a cyborg to 1984 …

The indestructible T-101 robs a leather jacket and motorcycle clothes (just perfect for him) and sets off to complete the mission. He kills all the women in a town named Sarah Connor in turn. Our heroine is last on the list … However, complications arise when Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) comes to the rescue …

Simple and brilliant. The whole movie is packed with escape and chase scenes, great for 80s special effects, a great android character from the future. There’s romance, there’s action, there’s something fresh and new, which is all it takes to make a movie a classic.

In Polish, the title was initially translated into Electronic Killer . In the 1980s, the “apprentice” was associated with the shoemaker’s apprenticeship. However, in the long run, we stuck to the original, and that’s fine. The film is watched today with a tear in the eye (these hairstyles!), But also with curiosity, although we know what will happen next. Of course, new parts, series, comics and games were created. This is probably not the end yet.

The main character wasn’t thrilled with the movie, and neither was Michael Biehn, an aspiring actor. CBS News reports that the artist, in order to prepare for the role of Reese, read information about Polish Jews active in the resistance during WWII. 28-year-old Linda Hamilton then played the nineteen-year-old. In 1984, she was fresh out of Children of the Corn.

The movie can be found in various “Must-See Movies” and “Top 100 Movies Ever Made” lists.

Finally, let’s recall one more quote from the movie where Kyle says to Sarah:

Listen and understand! There is a Terminator! You can’t bargain with it. You can’t convince him. He has no pity, remorse, or fear, and will absolutely never stop until you die!

Would you like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator again? Or maybe arrange a retro evening movie screening? With popcorn?

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