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How to become a superhero in the duck world – review of the comic book “Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge. Under the dome “vol.3

The next volume of adventures of the richest duck in the world and his nephew enchants with sublime stories and beautiful graphics of master Rosa. However, is that all? No, this volume seems a bit different.

A little old, a little new

Well, what may seem new are some hitherto unknown stories or those that have not been reprinted too often in Poland. These are mostly comics, created by Don Rose at the beginning of his collaboration with Egmont, and remain independent of Barks’ legacy. because you can find some interesting titles which are a tribute to the master cartoonist from Kentucky, but it is only a few percent of the volume of the publikacji.Co more, as it adds the author himself at the outset, such as comics Seven days in Tibet and on the warpath had its reference to Anglo-Saxon poems, about which we can read in the insert Za Kulisami. One of such works was even fully translated by Stanisław Kryński.

Real-life stories

As I mentioned earlier, some of the stories from the third volume refer to the original scenarios of Carl Barks, but they are not only based on distant adventures, but also everyday life, which, however, comes with a hint of “extraordinary”. One such comic is certainly How to Become a Hero, based on a parody of Super-Kuper superhero comics . Nevertheless, it is not something archaic, as it tries to imitate the trend imposed by eminent cartoonists of the 90s, such as Robert Leifield, showing in a dynamic way all the movements of knitwear created in this trend. It is also worth taking a look at the story that appeared not so long ago in the magazine “Donald Duck” – Landscape Architect.As usual, it tells about Donald, who discovers a gardening talent while looking for a job to support his nephews. Numerous frames with details of flower carpets, plant sculptures and other beautiful garden wonders can delight the eye, just like the real green landscapes in front of Versailles. However, like any storyline with Donald, this one does not have a very happy ending. That is why I recommend it only to people with strong nerves and sensitive to the deconstruction of beauty.

Adventure time

I should also mention the numerous adventures with the Scrooge. The thrill of emotions, a spectacular action with “explosive onomatopoeia”, and a sharp humor at the same time, is something that can be found in the title comic book Pod domułą . What is most interesting, it turns out that when modern pirates at all costs prevent Scrooge McDuck from getting valuable treasure from the seabed, only Donald can do something, of course in his twisted way, using a solution straight from the kitchen counter. The story Seven days in Tibet is another tribute to Barks and his Crown of Genghis Khan . I can also recommend When time has stoppeda story about how the Brothers Be – using a plan straight from Christopher Nolan’s movies – steal a tool to manipulate time. The elements related to physics are so well thought out that there is no criticism of the author. Everything is consistent and logical, and the state of manipulation is sometimes additionally emphasized by the yellow framing of the frames.

Another successful volume with really many conventions. An additional flavor is the board at the end of the volume showing the covers of all volumes of the collection, which is to end with the tenth volume. Nothing but wait!

Nasza ocena: 10/10

Are you ready for another fantastic duckling volume? I think so, especially since the current volume is slightly different from the previous ones.

Characters: 10/10
STORY: 10/10
EDITION: 10/10
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