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HBO Max Producer Calls ‘It’ Prequel ‘Possessed’

Okładka "To" Stephena Kinga

Two Warner Bros. movies about the scary clown from Stephen King’s novels have achieved great success. Now the franchise is moving to HBO Max with the upcoming series, a prequel to previous It productions . The horror will be called Welcome to Derry . HBO Max producer Sarah Aubrey did not mince words and confessed that the film is downright possessed .


Sarah Aubrey of HBO Max talked about the highly anticipated Welcome to Derry in an interview with Variety . She emphasized that everyone in the team is deeply initiated into the universe and adds to it almost possessed , truly terrifying elements. Unfortunately, she did not reveal what exactly it was about, but added that it is certainly a very good recipe for success and satisfaction of fans. The producer also promised to reveal more information soon.

Horror fans speculate to what time the upcoming series will take us. It is possible that the action of the series will take place even several centuries ago. It is worth recalling the statement of Bill Skarsgård, which also comes from an interview for Variety. At that time, he was talking about a scene cut from one of the films, set hundreds of years before the action of To :

There was this scene, a flashback from the seventeenth century, before Pennywis. This scene got really scary. And I’m not a clown. I look more like me. It’s very disgusting, kind of backstory, what “It” is, where Pennywise actually came from.

It is unknown whether Bill Skarsgård will return as the spooky clown. You can find the full interview with the producer at this link .

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