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Harbor rings. The Frontiers Saga. Volume 2 ”- a galactic adventure

Harbor rings. The Frontiers Saga. Volume 2 ”- a science fiction book by Ryk Brown. It tells about a journey through the galaxy with the Aurora spacecraft.

It is incredibly difficult to return home when you are away from your planet and you are in danger at every turn. The heroes of the second volume of The Frontiers Saga, entitled Haven Rings, found out about it .

The Aurora’s crew is running low on supplies. The spaceship needs repair after the recent clashes. A safe haven is needed. But how to find her in a strange corner of the Galaxy?

The mysterious Tobin Marsh comes to the aid of the heroes. A man who is the only one who can be a guide in an unknown place. However, it does not inspire the crew’s trust. Captain Nathan, Jessica and Cameron face a dilemma: count on a stroke of luck or take a chance and cooperate with Tobin?

Harbor Rings is a story about the power of responsibility. This galactic odyssey takes the reader into a world full of exciting, cosmic adventures. To survive, you need to know who to trust.

Each of the characters in the novel constantly makes important decisions. Their consequences affect not only the fate of the Aurora ship. One unwise move could cause chaos across the galaxy …

Ryk Brown has created a series of novels that perfectly reflect the features of the genre of science fiction. In The Frontiers saga, the author created his own universe marked by the stigma of civilization development.

Why a stigma? It is, after all, a world where advanced technologies make it possible to travel all over the galaxy.

Yes, but at the same time the reality described by Brown puts the characters in the face of numerous conflicts and threats.

Ryk Brown’s writing style can be described as light and accessible. Fast action, the predominance of dialogues, clearly outlined character traits – these elements work to the advantage of his texts.

The Frontiers series was initially released in digital form on the Kindle Store run by Amazon. The writer’s debut – the novel Aurora: CV-01 – then only reached a few hundred views. Currently, Ryk Brown is a well-known and appreciated author of science fiction books by readers all over the world. His saga The Frontiers enjoys unflagging popularity, as evidenced by its numerous editions in various languages. You can read more about the author and his work at galaktyczne-adventures / .

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