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Happy birthday, Batman! – review of the comic “Batman. Detective Comics ”# 1027

Batman is one of the most famous superheroes to whom many comics, games and movies are devoted. Will this collection worthily add splendor to the extraordinary jubilee of the Dark Knight?



Twelve stories

Batman. Detective Comics, volume 1027 is the anniversary edition. Exactly a thousand issues earlier, more than eighty years ago, the Dark Knight made his debut! To pay tribute to him, a group of artists has created twelve stories featured in this edition. Several dozen alternative covers have also been added. And as it happens in such collections, we will find a gem here, a few good items, but also two much weaker stories. Due to the jubilee, some of the creators tried to weave as many characters or other elements related to the Batman universe as possible . For this reason, in a short comic entitled The Trap , we have an overview of all the rogues who set fancy traps for the main character. However, in the Master Classthe entire batfamily appears, including the heroine hiding under the pseudonym Spoiler. Of course, the Joker could not be missing, but there were also less known criminals such as Doctor Phosphorus ( Satisfaction ) or Calendar Man ( Generations: The Rupture ). Batman, on the other hand, was supported not only by the Batriad or the Justice League ( As always ), but also by Deadman ( A Tale of Ghosts ).

Batman’s Different Faces

Best wishes is the best comic book in this collection in my opinion ! Over a dozen pages skillfully show the relationship between Batman and the Joker! Definitely, in my opinion, this is the only gem of this item! Other interesting stories include the Master Class , if only for the sake of the presentation of the entire family and their joint investigation. Young is also interesting compared to the other proposals , because she focuses on a new police officer who has to face a brutal reality full of corrupt cops. Another very interesting comic book is Detective 26#; this is where the Silver Spirit makes its debut! Why has no one heard of this superhero before? You will know the answer to this question in this short story. Interestingly, in The Most Important and The Odyssey , Bruce plays the first fiddle, whether it’s talking business with a suspicious individual or searching for treasures in a sunken ship. On the other hand, Generations: Crack and Gift are, unfortunately, the weakest positions in the set in question. The first mentioned title is only a prologue of a larger story, and in addition, it is not very interesting. The action of the Gift takes place during the Joker War , so people who have not read this series will learn only a fragment of a certain story.

Variety of artist styles

What I like the most about these types of collections is the variety of cartoonist styles. Indeed, each story is a different line, and it has its own unique charm. It is true that in A Ghost Story, Batman looks grotesque at times, because of his eyes too large or his chin too square! Nevertheless, each of the artists is a master in their profession, and I looked at all the cadres with great pleasure. I have no objections to issue. The comic looks great. The cover gallery at the end of the collection is a perfect complement to this jubilee edition.

Is it worth paying tribute to the Dark Knight?

Batman. Detective Comics Vol 1027 is an unequal position. It is true that we have a lot of good stories here, close to or above average, one of which deserves special recognition ( Best Wishes ), but there are also two items out of context that slightly spoil the final reception. I regret that there is no place for a longer comic here, but I also understand that each artist wanted to contribute to this jubilee edition. The variety of styles and ideas is the greatest advantage of this item, so I can only recommend it to all fans of the Dark Knight.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

A decent collection of comics with a variety of stories drawn by talented cartoonists.

Characters: 7/10
STORY: 7/10
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