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“Fire of Doom” by Daniel Komorowski – premiere on October 12!

Exactly on October 12 this year, Daniel Komorowski’s Fire of Doom  will have its premiere , it is a unique story about the son of one of the most famous Vikings. Fans of Nordic sagas will not be disappointed!


What will the great Dan-Swion war bring? Who will survive and who will die? And what will happen to the throne of Norway?

Ivar expands his influence in the English kingdoms. New alliances can be troublesome, and only the upcoming battles will show who the real power is. Power over the element sometimes comes at a terrible price.

The birth of the descendants of a great warrior brings hope for the strengthening of the glory of a mighty kingdom, but the specter of betrayal, deception and disloyalty looms on the horizon, which will burn an indelible mark and force the heroes to bloody vengeance.

A great war between the brothers will break out at the moment when the balance of power on the continent changes again, as the authority of Rome comes to the fore.
Contrary to appearances, victory is not always better than failure. Will the gates of Valhalla remain closed to the traitor forever?

The above description is provided by the publisher.

The author of the novel is Daniel “Dantez” Komorowski, who has always been fascinated by the Middle Ages. He liked the stories of the Vikings the most, so we can read more stories from these northern warriors soon!

The Fire of Doom is the fifth part of the series of fights and adventures of our favorite Vikings. The entire saga is known as Viking Fury .

The premiere will take place on October 12. All information can be found on the Repliki Publishing House’s Facebook page.
The purchase itself will be available in the publisher’s store.

See you in the land of mighty warriors! Anyone who knows the popular stories at least a bit, has watched the Vikings series , or is simply curious about the mythological struggles of the Nordic heroes, will surely find their place here!

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