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“Fire of Doom” by Daniel Komorowski is now on sale!

Daniel Komorowski – a citizen of Łódź, always interested in the Middle Ages, contemporary warriors and battles. He was most fascinated by the Vikings. Premiere: October 12, 2021


What will the great Dan-Swion war bring? Who will survive and who will die? And what will happen to the throne of Norway? Ivar expands his influence in the English kingdoms. New alliances can be troublesome, and only the upcoming battles will show who the real power is. Power over the element sometimes comes at a terrible price. The birth of the descendants of a great warrior brings hope for the strengthening of the glory of a mighty kingdom, but the specter of betrayal, deception and disloyalty looms on the horizon, which will burn an indelible mark and force the heroes to bloody vengeance. A great war between the brothers will break out at the moment when the balance of power on the continent changes again, as the authority of Rome comes to the fore. Contrary to appearances, victory is not always better than failure. Will the gates of Valhalla remain closed to the traitor forever?

Doomsday is the 5th volume of the Viking Fury saga . The book can be purchased on the Replika website .

Book excerpt:

Halfdana at the same time.
– Runaway! Ragnar’s brother spoke to Edmund to protect him.
– I will not leave you alone!
– You’re just bothering me here! Run away! Halfdan shouted, accepting the sword’s slash of the warrior’s ax, which swung to his side. The experienced jarl took the blow and pushed it aside. He wanted to counter and drive his sword into the rival’s stomach, but the blade of the other opponent stood in his way, which was aimed at his neck, almost beheaded him. Halfdan dodged at the last moment and jumped back. Then the first of the two warriors fighting him attacked him. Ragnar’s brother deflected his simple thrust to the stomach, exposing his rival and quickly plunged his sword straight into his stomach. The warrior released his weapon from his hand and fell to his knees, catching the spurting blood in his hands. But then Halfdan lost his vigilance and the other rival, who came from behind, wounded his side. Fortunately, the cut wasn’t deep, and although Halfdan felt the pain, he tried to ignore it as the fight was still going on. As soon as he felt the blade hurt, he grabbed his rival by the wrist of his sword and pulled him tightly against him, disarming him and unbalancing him. The warrior walked past him, hoping to regain control of his body, and then Ragnar’s brother plunged his sword into his back. The blade went right through, turning red. Then Halfdan attacked the third rival, going at him with an ax. He struck, but the attacked man jumped to his side and was already delivering the blow, when from behind he was grabbed by the arms of the warrior, whom Halfdan had wounded in the side first. Ragnar’s brother was unable to attack, so he made a strong head-back motion, crushing his rival nose. Blood flooded his opponent’s face. Woja got foggy and let the enemy go, who turned towards him and impaled quickly on his sword. Halfdan’s moment of inattention was used by another warrior who stabbed his sword in the back. Fortunately, the blade did not go right through, as Halfdan was just turning at the moment of impact, but it dipped in, cutting his body. Ragnar’s brother sank to the ground, supporting himself on his knee, and then his rival lunged at him, wanting to chop off his head. Halfdan rolled behind him and plunged his sword hard into Dan’s side. Now his rival fell to his knees and gave up his ghost. supporting him on his knee, and then the rival lunged at him, wanting to chop off his head. Halfdan rolled behind him and plunged his sword hard into Dan’s side. Now his rival fell to his knees and gave up his ghost. supporting him on his knee, and then the rival lunged at him, wanting to chop off his head. Halfdan rolled behind him and plunged his sword hard into Dan’s side. Now his rival fell to his knees and gave up his ghost.
Halfdan stood up, getting ready to fight Kirik. Then he saw the man standing behind Edmund with a knife at his throat.
– I can see that age is working in your favor. You fight almost as well as Ragnar, the gang leader told Halfdan.
– But you hide behind a helpless kid, like my cowardly nephew behind people and intrigues. Do you think the gods will let you into Valhalla when I’m about to kill you? Halfdan asked, trying to provoke his rival. “They will spit at you with contempt and say there is no place for cowards like you at their table.”
His words hit on target, hurting Kirik’s honor and pride. But he tried not to let it show. He saw that Halfdan was injured, losing blood and weakening with each passing moment. He wanted to wait a moment longer and strike when the moment was right when victory was certain.
“I will not go to Valhalla, I will end up elsewhere!” Kirik replied defiantly. – I don’t care about that!
“Say what you want, but we both know you care about the godlands, and so do I.” The difference is, I’m the only one who will go there, and you will be scorned.

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