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Father’s Fury – a review of the comic book “Batman. Detective Comics – New Neighbourhood”, vol. 1

Batman. Detective Comics – A New Neighborhood is a new chapter in the history of Batman, following the events that took place in The Joker War . Did Mariko Tamaki manage to create an original story filled with interesting new opponents?


A townhouse for Bruce Wayne

The new neighborhood , unlike the Batman story from DC’s Black Label line , is related to other series, and above all to the Joker’s War series . It was in these comics that Bruce Wayne lost his fortune and had to live among ordinary people. And this thread in New Neighborhood continues. Instead of a private residence, we have townhouses. The situation is similar with the Bat Cave, which is now replaced by small bases located under the city. As if that wasn’t enough, a girl is murdered in the neighborhood. Unfortunately for Bruce, both he and his alterare associated with this murder. Been worse, right? Unfortunately, the victim is Sara Worth, the daughter of the rich man who built most of Gotham’s South Side. This individual is characterized by an exceptionally explosive nature. It’s the first time something has been taken from him, and he vows to bring justice. Of course, this is not the only problem, because theoretically, the greater threat is an unusual killer who looks like … an alien, or a predator. By the way, putting it on the back cover wasn’t the best idea.

Huntress i Batman

The theme with Batman living downtown instead of his private residence is quite interesting. Thanks to this, he is closer to the people he wants to protect, and on the other hand, he has less freedom of action. However, it wasn’t the plot that caught my attention, but the characters. And what’s interesting, it’s not Batman I want to mention, but Huntress. She saves the life of an ordinary girl walking her cat on a leash. This inconspicuous event creates a thread of understanding between these two women. Such a simple relationship, and it gave the opportunity to show the character of this superhero! Sarah Worth’s father is also interesting. His physical appearance alone inspires respect, and in addition he has enormous influence in the city. But worst of all, he is a monstrous rage. Indeed, his actions are causing havoc in the streets of Gotham! Unfortunately, not so much good can be said about the main antagonist of the series. This character doesn’t speak to me much. We get to know his childhood and motivation, but I think Roland Worth stole the show anyway. The plot could only focus on his conflict with Batman. In addition, while reading, I sometimes felt that something was not quite connected. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. This character doesn’t speak to me much. We get to know his childhood and motivation, but I think Roland Worth stole the show anyway. The plot could only focus on his conflict with Batman. In addition, while reading, I sometimes felt that something was not quite connected. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. This character doesn’t speak to me much. We get to know his childhood and motivation, but I think Roland Worth stole the show anyway. The plot could only focus on his conflict with Batman. In addition, while reading, I sometimes felt that something was not quite connected. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. but in my opinion the whole show was stolen by Roland Worth anyway. The plot could only focus on his conflict with Batman. In addition, while reading, I sometimes felt that something was not quite connected. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. but in my opinion the whole show was stolen by Roland Worth anyway. The plot could only focus on his conflict with Batman. In addition, while reading, I sometimes felt that something was not quite connected. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person. The best example is the reaction of doctors in a certain flashback. Well, they came across a unique case. Something strange develops in the boy’s body, and this bunch of quacks finally release him home! I could also mention a few other stupid things. For example, it doesn’t seem very smart to me that Bruce, after escaping into the sewers from being chased, would then attack the chasers as Batman. I guess, in the end, someone can associate that it’s one and the same person.

Explosion festival

I don’t have much to say about the graphics. Oh, decent and average in every way. The explosions look spectacular, Roland Worth looks like the devil in one frame, and the main antagonist is unfortunately a fake predator. There are some extras at the end, including alternate covers, an afterword, character designs, and a biography of Mayor Nakano. Thanks to this information, I learned a bit about the events of The Joker War . The New Neighborhood was released in a paperback with wings. I have no objections to the release.

Is it worth living next to Batman?

Batman Detective Comics New Neighbor is an interesting story because of the events that happened before. Bruce can’t count on Alfred anymore, and he’s lost his mansion and his fortune. I’ve read more interesting comics about the adventures of the Dark Knight, but because of Ronald Worth, I’ll probably be happy to read the sequels. I’m curious to see how Bruce Wayne will deal with a rich, influential, crazy millionaire.

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