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Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets not for Harry Potter fans – movie review

I was quite skeptical about Fantastic Beasts, seeing the new series mainly as an unnecessary attempt to extend the Harry Potter phenomenon . I don’t know if it was a question of curiosity or nostalgia for the universe, but despite my bias – and as a huge fan of the young wizard’s story – I couldn’t help but check with my own eyes how the title secrets of Albus Dumbledore will be presented.

Despite my prejudices towards the screening, I tried to be open-minded, so that the sentiment I had for Harry Potter did not affect my opinion about the new film. In the end, I decided that it was best to look at it as an adaptation of The Witcher from Netflix – to treat it as a completely separate work, which is only based on the previously presented story. This is probably the only way to avoid major disappointment. In both cases.

The streak is getting worse

Although Rowling herself was also involved in writing the script for Dumbledore’s Secrets , it is impossible to shake off the impression that it was created by force, losing the unique character of the wizarding world. Paradoxically, the film lacks, above all,… magic. Dumbledore’s secrets present an entirely new perspective, telling the story of heroes who are already seasoned wizards. This is very different from the adventures of an 11-year-old boy who is just discovering the world of magic – and we are with him. This change is entirely justified, but the fact is that it perceives the universe of something special.

However, even aside from the comparison to the original series, the script itself leaves much to be desired. It’s hard to see what’s really going on, the plot is chaotic and the characters were treated neglectfully. The film shows one of the most important events in the wizarding world – the election of a new minister of magic, and yet we know absolutely nothing about the candidates who are to influence the further course of the story, except what their names are. Some of the most powerful characters in the movie have been reduced to a completely irrelevant side role.

I’ve never been a fan of developing the universe just to sell, and that’s my opinion in this case as well. The story of the wizarding world should end with the Deathly Hallows, and everything that comes afterwards gives the impression of a filmed fanfiction . The very secrets of Dumbledore prove that the time of the JK Rowling phenomenon is over. Given the controversy surrounding it, I would say quite rightly so.


One flower does not make spring

However, the acting cast can be considered a plus of the film. I was particularly impressed by Jude Law, who faithfully reproduced the role of an extremely intelligent and at the same time unpredictable wizard, on the sidelines, managing the fate of the whole world. An extraordinary challenge lay also before Mads Mikkelsen, who unfortunately had to replace Johnny Depp as Grindelwald. So the bar was set quite high and, in my opinion, Mikkelsen was up to the task. However, he created a character completely different from his predecessor – subdued, characterized by even disturbing coldness, and perhaps above all more reminiscent of an ordinary, but powerful man with great ambitions.

His participation was therefore a definite advantage, but unfortunately it did not save the overall impression about the film, which at one point had little to do with the world of magic, and more with the story of Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Looking at Dumbledore’s Secrets , it was impossible to overlook a fairly clear, not too subtle reference: a German ministry, a charismatic leader with a conviction of the superiority of one race over the other – the conclusions are self-evident.


Occupation? Not completely…

Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets is a fairly average movie overall. During the screening several times I got the impression that it was simply too long and it would be good if it ended. Most of the scenes did not contribute much to the film, and those that did did so in a very uninteresting way. The heroes’ reactions to quite important events were shallow, as if detached from reality, which made the whole thing artificial and unnatural. The story has also deviated significantly from the over-colored world known to us from the previous series, full of eccentric, interesting personalities.

However, I cannot say that I was completely disappointed with the new installment of Fantastic Beasts, especially since I had no expectations for it from the beginning. I realized that this is no longer the Harry Potter that I was, I am and will always be charmed, so although I was able to appreciate the production to a small extent for its impressive special effects, beautiful scenery and even a small share of Hogwarts, the sight of which together with the iconic music known from the Philosopher’s Stone gave me an immediate goose bump.

Watch Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets to the Cinema City network !

Nasza ocena: 5/10

Quite average, far too long movie.

Characters: 5/10
STORY: 3/10
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