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Even More Dungeons – “Between Dimensions” DLC Review for “Moonlighter”

After a few free updates, Digital Sun released the first major expansion pack for Moonlighter . Is it worth the purchase?

Crisis overcome?

It’s worth starting with a reminder of what Moonlighter is basicallyis in its basic version. This is a very unusual hybrid of hack’n’slash, roguelike and economic game. Players take on the role of Will – a young shopkeeper. The snag is, in order to get the items that can be sold, Will has to venture into the secret dungeons hidden behind the portals at night. In this section, the title resembles a simple arcade game. We fight monsters and bosses, collect loot and go deeper and deeper. However, it should be remembered that the protagonist’s backpack has a limited capacity, so later in the game you should collect items more carefully and return home when you do not carry any more (unless you unlock an upgrade that allows you to return to the location after a break). This is where we see the croissant accretions. Each time dungeons are procedurally generated and death has painful consequences. Fortunately, losing doesn’t mean the end of the game – the dungeon magically “spits out” Will. However, we still lose almost all the items we collect, except for a few from the purse.


However, the real fun begins during the day, after returning from the underground. Then the hero stands behind the counter of the Moonlighter store and places selected treasures on the counter. A very important element is the valuation of each item. If we give too high an amount, customers will be outraged, and too low will bring us losses. The money earned is worth investing carefully. You have to remember to develop both the shop and the Villa’s equipment. I admit that at the beginning such a scheme of play sounded inconspicuous, but after an hour I got caught in the loop of the game. So the question remains, is it worth getting interested in the Between Dimensions add-on ?


What’s new?

Between Dimensions is, in short, even more of the same as we know from the stand. After completing the main plot, the peace in the village of Rynoka does not last long. Soon, under mysterious circumstances, a completely new portal appears, leading to the interdimensional dungeon. Naturally, for the main character it is an excuse to set off on an adventure again and expand the shop. An additional storyline is associated with the new dungeon. As in the regular game, it is not very complex, but discovering secrets can be intriguing. 

In the dungeon from the expansion, we will face ten new enemies and five bosses. In the loot, however, we will get a lot of fresh items that can cause a stir among customers. However, they will be useful not only for business development. Will can still craft new inventory items. The creators added new sets of weapons. What’s more, we can find the so-called insidious weapons. They offer numerous bonuses, but in return, require you to sacrifice health points and have certain limitations. Weapons represent the biggest change to the Moonlighter’s mechanics . It is also worth mentioning the next rings that add passive skills.


Good proportion

Between Dimensions may not seem like a very complex addition, but it is also not an ordinary leap into the cash register. The new location looks very nice and introduces variety to the game. You can see that all this was created as part of a well-thought-out design and does not give the impression of being either force-added or cut out of the stand. I can definitely recommend this DLC, but only to those who have already finished Moonlighter and, like me, enjoyed the gameplay. It’s just another piece of familiar-style content, so the unconvinced won’t suddenly change their mind. The fairly modest volume is also balanced by the price. For additional hours of exploring the dungeons and trading in miscellaneous items, we will pay about PLN 25. This is not much, considering that many players have recently added Moonlighter for freeto the Epic Games Store library. If someone still thinks it is too expensive, they should change their mind at the next discount.

We would like to thank 11 bit studios for providing a copy of the Review Plugin (PC).

Nasza ocena: 7/10

A juicy portion of extra gameplay that uses great basics. For fans of the original - a must-have purchase.

SOUND: 7/10
STORY: 6/10
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