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Donald Duck and his foreign friends

Did you know that Donald Duck is not as gloomy as you might think he is? The most famous drake in the world is characterized by great personal culture and respect for other traditions. Therefore, together with two Latinos, he forms the Los Tres Caballeros group.

You have to start somewhere

Los Tres Caballeros is an animated feature film from 1944 produced by Walt Disney Pictures . Seventh in the official canon of animated feature films by The Walt Disney Company and listed by The Walt Disney Classics. The story presented in the film is not only animated and presents various corners of Latin America, it also combines real images with cartoon characters. It was released in Mexico City on December 21, 1944, and in the United States on February 3, 1945. He has received two nominations from the Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for Best Original Music and Best Sound.

Although it was created during World War II, it is a message of goodwill and understanding on the part of the label for Latin America. So it is a less propaganda fiction film than it might seem, although it was important during the war to look for as many friends as possible to oppose the aggressive Nazis. In the film, Donald Duck is allied with two friends: José Carioca, the Brazilian parrot from Saludos Amigos (1943), and his new friend Pancho Pistolas, a brave rooster representing Mexico. Several Latin American stars of the time appear in the film, including singers such as Aurora Miranda (Carmen Miranda’s sister) and Dora Luz, as well as dancer Carmen Molina.

The fictional film consists of a series of interrelated segments from the moment Donald Duck opens a birthday present from his Latin American friends.

Then the series

In 2018, the Legend of the Three Caballeros series appeared .When Donald Duck, the parrot José Carioca and the rooster Panchito Pistoles inherit the hut from his great-grandfather Kwalutek Kwaczak of New Quackmore, they discover a magic book that, when opened, releases a goddess named Xandra. The goddess of adventure explains to Donald, José and Panchito that they are the descendants of three adventurers known as the Three Caballeros, who traveled long ago to stop the evil wizard Lord Felldrake from taking over the world and eventually trapped him in a magic wand. Meanwhile, the staff containing Felldrake is discovered by his descendant, Baron Von Sheldgoose, the corrupt president of the New Quackmore Institute. When Sheldgoose decides to resurrect Felldrake, the new Three Caballeros must learn to play as heroes to save the world from catastrophe.

Of course, this is not the only story that continues with these three friends. Los Tres Caballeros also had a few short films, appeared in new Duck Tales and appeared in comics. One of them deserves a little more attention.

“The Return of the Three Caballeros”

The headline above is the title of one of the best comic books that Don Rosa has created and that appeared in the penultimate volume of the Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck collection . In this story, Donald Duck drives his nephews to a Young Scout Rally in Mexico; after he drops them off, the little ducklings are worried that their uncle will be alone because he has almost no friends. As it turns out, on the way to the hotel, he meets José Carioc, who runs away from angry bandits. Together, they go to the desert, where they meet Panchitos, and then the real adventure begins, during which the stake is not only saving the rumps, but also finding a valuable treasure.

The whole story is not only a reference to the Three Caballeros, but also shows how important nephews are to Donald. Duck not only goes with them to Mexico, but also tries to use the found treasure for studies for his pupils. A beautiful family story with a Latin character.

So if you don’t know Donald and his buddies, check out the comic book now available in bookstores!

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