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Dmitry Glukhovsky attacks again. The premiere of “Outpost 2” is getting closer

If you are a fan of Dmitry Glukhovsky’s work, you will surely be pleased to hear that you can get Outpost 2 in pre-sale now and at an attractive price.

Dmitry Glukhovsky, a Russian author known to readers from the legendary Metro 2033 post-apocalyptic trilogy , dystopia , a somewhat dreamlike Twilight Time , grotesque stories Welcome to Russia or a psychological thriller Text about Crime and Punishment for the 21st century returns to finish the story of His and the Beautiful Michelle, two heroes met in the first part of the Outpost dilogy .

The thousand-year-old Moscow continues, reliably protected on all sides by fortified posts and selected Cossack sotas. Inside the three rings of Moscow’s defense, behind the Kremlin wall, in the palace, the emperor rewards the best of the best, the bravest of the brave, the flower of the officer corps, the support and hope of the throne. On St. Michael the Archangel’s Day, they are to leave the festively decorated capital and go to the dark lands that used to be part of great Russia, before rebellion and anathema took place. Before the Cossacks of the Cossacks go across the murky Volga, behind the impenetrable shroud of fog, they must check where all the scouts have gone and why the border posts have gone silent … Yegor, the boy who refused to learn history, and Michelle know about what happened there. girl, who is pregnant with a murdered Cossack. The only question is will they have time to tell it?

The story that began in Jarosław, in the Outpost on the farthest outskirts of Moscow, is surprising. This is a post-apocalypse, but how different from the claustrophobic Metro 2033 ! Outpost and Outpost 2 are a deep and brutal critique of authoritarian rule. The author turns his unmasking blade towards the rulers of the hull Russia-Moscow, for whom we can see the rulers of contemporary Russia. But do we not see there our native masters of getting up from the knees and the builders of a superpower from sea to sea?

Uncompromising, brutal and – unfortunately – how true a story about dreams of greatness and unlimited power. And about where it might lead. Outpost 2 : Suspenseful, full of twists and a surprising ending, the latest novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky is available for purchase on November 24.

Pre-order the book at the best price today!

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