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Disney is officially preparing a live-action version of the “Gargoyles” series

Kenneth Branagh mentioned rebooting the Gargoyles series a few months ago. However, no information has emerged since then. However, the latest trade report shows that Disney+ has actually started working on a live-action version of the famous 1990s animation.

Although Branagh was the first to mention a new version of  Gargoyles , there is no indication that he was working on it. Currently, it is said that Gary Dauberman is the screenwriter and producer, and he will be accompanied by James Wan. Most recently, Dauberman directed a new installment of Salem’s Lot , the classic Stephen King story. He also created the horror film Annabelle .

However, returning to Gargoyles , nothing more about the project has been revealed. We will probably get a series, although the option of a feature-length film is also not completely ruled out. It is also important to remember that although such announcements are usually a good sign, implementation does not always take place. This was the case with  The Spiderwick Chronicles , a series that was ordered by Disney+ and then canceled.

It is certain, however, that the production will be an acting version. Despite this, the gargoyles themselves were created using CGI, which means that it is possible to return to the roles of voice actors who voiced animated characters in the 1990s. Fans hope to hear Keith David as Goliath again, and the actor himself confirmed in one of the interviews that he would be happy to return to this character.

All we can do is wait for more information about the title.

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