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Darth Vader goes into action – a review of the Star Wars Darth Vader comic. The Bounty Hunter War”, Vol. 3

The Bounty Hunter War continues throughout four different Star Wars comic book series . This time we will follow the events from the perspective of Lord Vader himself. We will find out why the Sith cares about Han Solo frozen in carbonite, and by the way, we will probably get lost in the maze of threads presented here once again.


Where are we?

We’re still moments away from the Crimson Dawn auction where a frozen Han Solo will be up for sale. Darth Vader returns bruised from Exegol, and the Emperor helps him repair his armor. Lord Vader decides that Luke’s friends are his greatest weakness, so he decides to eliminate them. Han Solo will be the number one target. This is how we get sucked into the Bounty Hunter War from a new perspective.

Annoying sidekick

Ochi from Bestoon is still here. Darth Vader’s irritating sidekick, the talented bounty hunter introduced in Part IX of the film saga, is still stubbornly placed alongside the dark lord in his comic adventures. Unfortunately, this does not work in favor of the series. Ochi is clearly supposed to introduce some humor here, which doesn’t quite fit with a serious story about Vader’s inner struggle. Only the last frame of the comic makes you look at Ochi with more interest … but you have to see for yourself.

Was this thread necessary?

Another theme of this comic is the cult led by Sly Moore. Who? Exactly. She is a former subordinate of the great Chancellor Palpatine. We could see her in the prequel trilogy, where she appeared in the background of a notable. What is she doing here? It turns out that he has his own interests, and a few of his followers. What does this add to the story? Nothing but a little more confusion.

What a beautiful confusion

This is a repeat of the bounty hunter war comics’ misery. Subsequent issues are full of understatements that have been explained in other series concerning these events. If you don’t know them, you won’t know what’s actually going on. So again, I am in favor of a omnibus edition of this ambitious crossover , because in this version for the ordinary reader it is almost indigestible. In addition, in the comic about Vader, there is little about Vader himself … The side plots play the first violin here, taking away the airtime of the main character.

Thank you to the cartoonists

However, let’s add a few words about the best feature of this comic, i.e. the drawings. They are made at the highest possible level. The action scenes are dynamic, the characters look correct, the colors are eye-catching. It is a pity, however, that the level of the plot does not follow the visuals.

The Bounty Hunter War welcomes you

An inconsistent, very chaotic work that has some interesting moments about Vader himself. Many elements seem to be pushed in by force, even more have been left to the readers’ guesses. War of the Bounty Hunters is an extremely ambitious project, which, however, seems to have surpassed the creators a bit. If you want to know the whole thing, read on. As a solo story, it’s unlikely to make sense.

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