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Dark and calm, or time for “Gardens of Silence”

Gardens of Silence is a novel about the future that is happening now, before our eyes, which makes it even more terrifying.

Greenery, blissful peace, silence. However, everything is destroyed by gross death. Under the guise of good, the worst plans for humanity are smuggled in. All this happens in Marek Adam Grabowski’s debut book Ogrody ciszy , which had its premiere a few days ago and which is impossible to ignore…

World chaos, conspiracies that some talk about loudly and others deny, the difficulty of separating truth from lies, the word “manipulation” changed in each case – all this appears in Grabowski’s ambitious title. As the author himself admits:

Gardens of Silence is not an attempt to join current discussions and arguments, but reflects the strong emotions that accompany them.

In a macabre vision of the future, part of humanity is exterminated, supposedly for its own good. Orpheus, a psychologist in a concentration camp, tries to convince people that it is better for them to be killed. At some point he begins to realize that he is taking part in a great fraud.

Grabowski’s book was inspired by his own experiences:

I studied, among others: resocialization. In the first year we had the subject Theory of Punishment , where we were taught that punishment is a form of unpleasantness. In the second year, we were told that prisoners needed to be told that the punishment was for their good. I felt some inconsistency there. Provide an incentive to manipulate prisoners.

His mini-novel, as he himself admits, is a synthesis of several genres:

I position Gardens of Silence as an anti-utopia, soft science fiction and a psychological novel. This is an interesting and compatible combination. It’s about using fantasy motifs to reflect on the human psyche.

You can find more about the book here .


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