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Could it be even worse? Hold my beer…? – review of the first part of the third season of “The Witcher”

Źródło: Netflix

The fans of The Witcher , after two not very successful seasons, expected Netflix to be more faithful to Sapkowski’s work. The postulate was partially implemented, but the scenario resembles a Lotto drawing machine, from which the trivia, Easter eggs and scenes known to us from books pop up, but they have been deprived of chronology and plot consistency.


In the third season, Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer are still on the run from Rience, elves and envoys of kings who are tracking them. The characters slowly build family relationships and have to make decisions that affect both themselves and the entire continent. Their journey culminates in the book-breaking descent to Thanedd, during which the masks will fall and the true antagonist and his plan will be revealed.

How much Sapkowski in The Witcher ?

After a good first season and a second almost completely detached from the original book, Netflix has just presented us with the third installment of The Witcher . With the showrunner of the series, he was supposed to be the most faithful to the books of the Polish writer. Lauren Hissrich stated in one of the interviews that Sapkowski’s works are self-play, which only needs to be well transferred to our screens. Did she once again try to push us the so-called. farmazon, does he have problems with split personality?

Source: Netflix

Netflix has an extraordinary ability to twist and rewrite key moments from Sapkowski’s books, castrate heroes from their features and create more unnecessary scenes (Ciri fighting monsters she has never met) and threads characteristic of generic fantasy series, but not The Witcher . The creators start with motifs taken from Blood of Elves (in their opinion too boring for a good film adaptation), but they completely deform and shorten the journey in Yarpen’s caravan. They are forced to fix the mistakes of the second series and build a relationship between Geralt, Yen and Ciri while focusing on the action (in a well-executed skirmish with the elves).

It gets even worse in subsequent episodes, and we theoretically jump to the Time of Contempt . Dandelion behaves and looks like an old man, betraying Geralt at the same time. Our witcher plays family and meets “fake Ciri” on his way, whom he saves from the hands of a new monster and runs into a familiar werewolf (met a few books earlier in Season of Storms) . Dijksta and Filippa play sadomaso, and a Redanian super spy murders a certain queen in order to prevent an alliance between the two kingdoms. Yennefer throws a cheap fan service referring to Leo Bonhart and plots further, unnecessary intrigues. The whole thing ends with Thanned, of course, but again in a slightly changed version and with an unnecessary cliffhanger.

When the biggest fan is the star of the show

Finally, we get the impression that the creators once again treated the books condescendingly, and the inspirations drawn from them, only as an introduction to their imaginary plot solutions and action scenes in the style of more, faster, stronger. As for me, the series lacked the praise of tolerance and mutual acceptance in favor of Netflix’s usual solutions, so characteristic in the books. It is not surprising, therefore, that rumors about the real time of contempt came from the production plan, but from Henry Cavill towards the showrunner, whom he accused of departing from Sapkowski’s work. The biggest problem of The Witcher therefore, I become a link to books again, because fans of books and games will continue to treat the series as a typical “guilty pleasure”, while the pleasure of watching the production will mainly be enjoyed by viewers unfamiliar with the original.

Source: Netflix

The third season of The Witcheris – despite a few plot downtimes and holes in the script – quite an enjoyable production. The fight sequences are enjoyable, the plot and intrigue will certainly interest the less demanding viewer, and the characters still have a bit of character for which we loved them. Five episodes pass quickly. By far the best is the first one and the fifth one, when the tension rises and the atmosphere can be cut with a knife. The Ball on Thanenedd is closest to the books, thanks to which we see the characteristic splendor among wizards, the molestation of Geralt, and Valdo’s performances make a great soundtrack. It is worth noting that this time the CGI also looks quite solid, so the fight scenes with monsters and new monsters will satisfy even the picky viewer. I expected much more from the costumes, which are closer to cosplay than a high-budget production.

The Witcher is still solid acting. Henry Cavill clearly got more freedom this time, thanks to which his Geralt stopped being just a boor. Finally, he resembles his book prototype, who, contrary to what he says, feels and expresses emotions, sometimes smiles, and above all, respects and finally appreciates his friends (relationship with Jaskier). Definitely less annoying is Anya Chalotra as Yennefer, finally powerful, self-confident and magnetic. The serial Ciri and Dandelion still keep the level. However, I am disappointed by the genderless performance of the main antagonist, and in this case we are talking about the most powerful wizard of his time and an intriguer like Littlefinger from “Game of Thrones”.

When do you become a meme?

The creators of the series The Witcher are like that guy from the meme who needs to hold his beer, because he’s about to prove to us that he’s going to do something stupid. The producers and screenwriters of the production behave in a similar way, proving to us that they will use the book’s prototype, using the fan service, but again in their own way. Finally, they again create a weak screening, but not very brave, but a solid fantasy series.

Source: Netflix

Lauren Hissrich swore in interviews that they try to follow the spirit of Sapkowski’s books. With the third season, however, he proves to us that changes in relation to the original can be afforded by outstanding creators like Peter Jackson, not only understanding the vision of the authors, but also able to add this magical, elusive element. Otherwise, it’s better to stick to the books and use still-living writers as with Game of Thrones and George R. R. Martin.

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