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Contest: Win Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie

Soon (16.06) premiere of the movie “Justice League” by Zack Snyder on DVD and Blu Ray. On this occasion, together with the Galapagos, we have organized a contest where you can get it!


Today we have a special treat for all fans of DC superheroes. Together with the Galapagos, we organized a competition in which we will hand out DVDs and Blu Ray Discs of Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie .

Competition question:

Which non-DC hero would be the perfect match for the Justice League, and why?

In our post on Facebook we give some hints but we are also waiting for your ideas!

Give your answers in the comments under the following Facebook post:

The competition lasts until June 5, 2021.

The winners selected by us  will have to consent  to the provision and processing of their personal data for shipping purposes (name, surname, telephone number, address).

Good luck!

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