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Confusion with confusion – a review of the film “The Tooth Fairy”

On the children’s animation scene, it is extremely difficult to beat hits produced by Disney or Pixar. Despite everything, smaller studios are still trying to repeat their success. Unfortunately, they don’t always succeed. This is the case with the Tooth Fairy animation from Red Post Studio, where we are dealing with real chaos.


Failed Fairy

The new production from Red Post Studio takes us to a school for Tooth Fairies who learn their profession – they travel to the human world, take baby teethers from under the pillow and, of course, leave gifts. During the final exam we meet Violetta, the main character of the animation. And here the problems start.

The titular Tooth Fairy deserves to be called one of the most annoying leading characters ever. Violetta is lazy, constantly complaining about her fate and lack of any skills, she is also bad for others. At first I thought it was nothing; that we will be dealing with the popular theme of changing the hero by 180 degrees. I was hoping that Violetta would get a decent lesson in life, and that the children who would get this title would also be able to draw some moral from it. I was very wrong.

Absolute chaos

The fact that the main character does not undergo any moral transformation is not the only problem of the Tooth Fairy . Supporting characters are very poorly marked in the plot, and the action starts only because Violetta is lucky.

The biggest problem with this animation is adjusting it to a specific group of recipients. Throughout the screening, I was unable to assess to whom the creators are directing this story. On the one hand, the animation style, colors and simple plot would certainly appeal to the youngest children. On the other hand, the dialogues contain colloquialisms and texts known from memes, which are so old that small children will not understand them. These jokes are so overused that they only evoke the shivers of embarrassment in older viewers.

Wasted potential

However, The Tooth Fairy could be a much more interesting title. The animation deals with the topic of the climate crisis in an accessible way. If this theme had been pulled out, the Tooth Fairy might have been called a wiser fairy tale . Then young viewers would have a chance to learn something from her. Unfortunately, a thread that should be the most important has been buried under a stupid story, unfunny dialogues and annoying characters.

I wouldn’t wish such a Tooth Fairy on anyone

I rarely take such a strict approach to titles aimed at children. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy the show. Instead, I felt irritated and disappointed, because the production could simply be more interesting if the creators approached the construction of the plot differently. Even I would make a better Tooth Fairy than Violetta.

We would like to thank the Cinema City cinema chain for the opportunity to watch the Tooth Fairy .

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