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COMPETITION: Win the book “Sylwana” from the series “World of Warcraft”

Konkurs przygotowany we współpracą z Wydawnictwem Insignis.

Together with the Insignis Publishing House , we have prepared a competition for you in which we will hand out 3 copies of Sylwan ‘s book from the World of Warcraft series .

Sylwana Bieżywiatr … Twenty years ago,  Warcraft III players  admired her heroism when she stood up to the loss of defense of her homeland, Quel’Thalas, against the march of the undead Scourge. Although she fell in the battle with the invaders, she was not allowed to go away in peace. Death knight Arthas Menethil, who led the invincible army, ripped her soul from the embrace of death, turned her into an undead banshee and forced her to serve. In the end, however, she regained her freedom and swore the torturer to take bloody revenge for all murdered innocents and her own hard labor.

Over the next years, fans of the universe accompanied Sylvan in preparations for her vendetta. At first lonely, she eventually gathered around her other wronged by life, creating the nucleus of a new nation of Forsaken. As Queen of the Banshee, she formed an alliance with Thrall, the Orcish Warchief of the Horde, agreeing to cooperate with those whom she despised during her lifetime. All this to be able to fulfill his promise.

While Arthas ‘death seemed to be the end of Sylvanas’ path, it was the beginning of a dark pact with a being whose history goes back to the dawn of the world. Overseer Zovaal, an ancient being who is both a prisoner and a lord of the Abyss – the equivalent of hell – made Sylvan an offer to redefine the laws governing reality.

In alliance with the Overseer of Silvanus, already as the Chieftain of the Horde, she had committed atrocities that Arthas would not be ashamed of himself. The victim became a butcher. What led to this? What did she hear from the Overseer, and what did he promise her for his faithful service? The turbulent fate of Sylwana Bieżywiatr gave rise to many questions and misunderstandings, which caused a headache for many fans of the character. Thanks to the latest novel by Christie Golden, the curtains will finally fall and Sylvanas’ true motifs will see the light of day.

If you want to read this novel, just answer the competition question:

Sylvanas Windrunner is a character with a rich history. Some fans love it, but many hate it too. How is it in your case? Convince others that the Queen of the Damned is to be adored or despised!

We will reward the 3 most interesting answers!
The competition lasts until August 2, 2022.
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