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COMPETITION: Win DVD of “Halloween Kills” movie

Together with Galapagos Films, we have prepared a special competition for you – there are as many as three DVDs with the movie Halloween Kills to be won . We invite!

A masked killer who has had a bloody game in the city turns out to be much more difficult to defeat than you might think. Now he returns in another installment of the trilogy to wreak havoc on the people of Haddonfield.

After the success of the first part, announced as the trilogy of the Halloween series, exceeded all expectations  , the creators could easily start working on the continuation of the story about Michael Myers. David Gordon Green and Danny McBride, who were responsible for the  Halloween script , this time invited Scott Teems to cooperate with him to lead the rest of the story.

If you want to see the effect that the creators managed to create with your own eyes, be sure to take part in the competition and win one copy of the movie on DVD. The winner will be the person who provides the most interesting answer to the competition question:

Which of the movie masks do you think is the most terrifying and why?

We cordially invite you to participate in the competition! Post your creative responses in the post below:

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