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Comic novelties from Egmont – October 2020

In October, Egmont returns with more news from the world of comics. Once again, readers will find Polish editions of the titles of the most famous foreign publishers such as Marvel or DC. In addition, there will also be a place for Polish and European comics.

The first items this month will debut on October 7th. The rest of the prime ministers were spread over three more dates. Below you will find a full list of titles with descriptions and covers.

Premiere on October 7, 2020.

Hitman, vol. 2
Screenplay: Garth Ennis
Drawings: John McCrea
Translation: Marek Starosta

Life has never spoiled Tommy Monaghan. He grew up in an orphanage, his home was the worst-known Gotham neighborhood, and he made a living as a contract killer. And since he gained superpowers and specialized in taking down gangsters and supervillains, he seems to be attracting trouble. This time, government agents, one of the greatest superheroes in the world and a demon once humiliated by Tommy will stand in his way. Fortunately, Tommy has many friends who will always support him when he is in need.
The character of Hitman was created by two Irish authors – Eisner Award winner, screenwriter Garth Ennis (“The Preacher”, “Hellblazer”) and cartoonist John McCrea (“The Preacher”, “Spider-Man”). The volume includes “Hitman” # 9-22.

Hellblazer, vol 5
Screenplay: Garth Ennis
Drawings: Steve Dillon, John Higgins, William Simpson,
Peter Snejbjerg, Glyn Dillon
Translation: Marek Starosta

Trzeci, ostatni tom historii Johna Constantine’a w interpretacji Gartha Ennisa. Po rozstaniu z Kit Ryan Constantine spadł na dno. Wylądował na ulicy i żebrał o pieniądze na łyk najpodlejszego znieczulacza. Udało mu się jednak podnieść i postanowił wybrać się do Nowego Jorku. Lecz nawet za oceanem przeszłość nie da o sobie zapomnieć… Siły zła znajdą go wszędzie, aby upomnieć się o swoje. Autorami rysunków do tego tomu są Steve Dillon („Kaznodzieja”), John Higgins („Strażnicy”) i William Simpson („Sędzia Dredd”).  Seria HELLBLAZER to najdłużej ukazująca się seria Vertigo (1988–2013). Na przestrzeni lat scenariusze przygód Johna Constantine’a pisało wielu znanych autorów, Garth Ennis, Paul Jenkins, Warren Ellis, Brian Azzarello, Neil Gaiman czy Grant Morrison.
In this edition, we present the character of Hellblazer as interpreted by Brian Azzarello (2 volumes), Garth Ennis (3 volumes) and Warren Ellis (1 volume).

Conan: Powrót do Cymerii, tom 3
Scenariusz: Timothy Truman, Kurt Busiek, Fabian Nicieza
Rysunki: Tomás Giorello, Richard Corben, Rafael Kayanan, Paul Lee,
Eric Powell, John Severin, Bruce Timm, Timothy Truman
Przekład: Dariusz Stańczyk

Conan wraca do rodzinnej wioski. Droga powrotna będzie pełna przygód, w trakcie których Cymeryjczyk będzie musiał wykazać się niezwykłą siłą, sprytem i przenikliwością. Rodzinne strony barbarzyńcy różnią się od oszałamiających miast Wschodu. Gdy jednak Conan spotka Caollan – swoją dawną miłość – szybko przypomni sobie, jak żyje się na północy, przyjdzie mu bowiem zmierzyć się z żadnymi zemsty Aesirami. Autorami scenariuszy są Timothy Truman, Kurt Busiek i Fabian Nicieza, a rysunki stworzyła plejada znakomitych grafików, między innymi Tomás Giorello i Richard Corben.

DMZ – Demilitarized zone, volume 3
Script: Brian Wood
Drawings: Riccardo Burchielli
Translation: Tomasz Kłoszewski

The third volume of adventures of Matty Roth, a young war correspondent, in the sensational series “DMZ – Demilitarized Zone”. New York – No Man’s Land at the Center of the Second American Civil War. Matty Roth is the only voice of the locals in this place who are fighting to survive. When, after several years of fighting, the parties to the conflict sit down to peace talks, the charismatic self-proclaimed politician Parco Delgado appears among the candidates for the governor of the zone. Matty, infatuated with the strength and personality of a man in whom he sees the features of Hugo Chávez, Che Guevara and Al Sharpton, begins to cooperate with him. The author of the script of “DMZ” is repeatedly nominated for the Eisner Award Brian Wood, known for such series as “People of the North”, “The Couriers”, “The Massive”, “Star Wars”, “Conan The Barbarian”, “Lord of the Rings” “And” X-Men “. The drawings were made by the Italian artist Riccardo Burchielli, known to Polish fans from the “People of the North” series. The third volume contains notebooks 29-44 of the original series.

Usagi Yojimbo: The Saga, Book 5
Script: Stan Sakai
Drawings: Stan Sakai
Translation: Jarosław Grzedowicz

Nowe wydanie popularnej serii „Usagi Yojimbo”. Blisko 600 stron przygód niezwykłego królika ronina. Piąta księga zbiera historie wydane w tomach: „Spotkania ze śmiercią”, „Matka Gór”, „Opowieść Tomoe”.Pod koniec szesnastego wieku Japonią wstrząsały liczne wojny domowe. W jednej z bitew Miyamoto Usagi utracił swojego suwerena, pana Mifune. Od tego dnia samotny ronin przemierza kraj, poszukując spokoju ducha, walcząc o sprawiedliwość i doskonaląc umiejętności samurajskie. Usagi wraca do prowincji Geishu, gdzie od pewnego czasu dochodzi do dziwnych wydarzeń. Ludzie znikają, a z wierzchołka porośniętej lasami Matki Gór unoszą się kłęby dymu. Długouchy ronin z przyjaciółką Tomoe wpadają na trop spisku, który może doprowadzić do przejęcia władzy w całej Japonii przed ich odwiecznego wroga. Ponadto Usagi będzie uczestniczył w eksperymentach lotniczych, pomoże tajemniczej lisicy i weźmie udział w chanoyu – tradycyjnej ceremonii parzenia i podawania herbaty. Seria „Usagi Yojimbo Saga” to mistrzowska adaptacja komiksowa samurajskich legend, wydawana od ponad 30 lat i przetłumaczona na kilkadziesiąt języków. Autorem scenariusza i rysunków jest Stan Sakai, a nowe wydanie zostało wzbogacone o kolorową galerię okładek.

Bradl, vol 5
Script: Tobiasz Piątkowski
Drawings: Marek Oleksicki

Nadciąga zmierzch Muszkieterów! Piąty, finałowy tom serii komiksowej o przygodach Kazimierza Leskiego – Bradla, w którym poznamy zakończenie pierwszego rozdziału jego podziemnej działalności. Po śmierci Marii Grocholskiej czarne chmury zbierają się nad organizacją szpiegowską Inżyniera. Widząc, że dowódca jest pochłonięty planami zemsty, Bradl zacieśnia kontakty z resztą podziemia. Niespodziewanie Inżynier wraca do gry i inicjuje najambitniejszą operację wywiadowczą w historii Muszkieterów. Obejmie ona niemiecki wywiad wojskowy, rosyjskich emigrantów i dotrze aż do formującej się polskiej armii na wschodzie. Czy tak skomplikowana akcja ma szansę powodzenia mimo nasilających się represji w okupowanej Warszawie? Czy Inżynier faktycznie porzucił misję ukarania zabójcy swojej agentki, a może jedynie udaje przed swoimi ludźmi, aby nie stracić ich posłuszeństwa? Co zrobi przyparty do muru Bradl?… Autorami serii są dwaj znani polscy twórcy: scenarzysta Tobiasz Piątkowski („48 stron”, „Status 7”, „Pierwsza Brygada”) i rysownik Marek Oleksicki („Odmieniec”, „Hardkorporacja”, „Frankenstein’s Womb”).

DC Deluxe, Mike Mignola’s DC Universe
Screenplay: Paul Kupperberg, John Byrne, Roger Stern, Jerry Ordway,
George Pérez, Neil Gaiman
Drawings: Mike Mignola
Translation: Tomasz Sidorkiewicz

Niezwykły album zbierający historie stworzone dla wydawnictwa DC przez słynnego amerykańskiego mistrza komiksowego Mikeʼa Mignolę. Zbiór ten doskonale pokazuje różnorodne style stosowane przez Mignolę oraz ewolucję jego kreski na przestrzeni lat. Album rozpoczyna opowieść o tym, jak Widmowy Przybysz z pewnym śmiertelnikiem sprzeciwili się zakrojonej na ogromną skalę operacji sił piekielnych, mającej na celu zagładę świata. Kolejna historia przedstawia zaawansowaną technologicznie cywilizację Kryptona i jej ponure tajemnice, opowiada także o nieznanych przeżyciach jedynego ocalałego Kryptonijczyka – Supermana. W zbiorze nie mogło też zabraknąć opowieści o Batmanie – zarówno kryminalnych, jak i pełnych nadnaturalnej grozy czy parodystycznych. Mike Mignola to jeden z najbardziej znanych na świecie twórców komiksowych, wielokrotny zdobywca najważniejszych amerykańskich nagród rynku komiksowego: Eisnera i Harveya. Stworzył postać Hellboya, a także innych bohaterów z Biura Badań Paranormalnych i Obrony.

DC universe. Leviathan
Screenplay: Brian Michael Bendis
Drawings: Alex Maleev
Translation: Jakub Syty

Niezwykłe wydarzenie zapoczątkowane przez Briana Michaela Bendisa („Legion of Super-Heroes”, „Daredevil”, „Superman”) w serii „Superman Action Comics” w tym albumie znajduje swój wielki finał, który wstrząśnie w posadach całym uniwersum DC! Scenarzyście towarzyszy niezwykle utalentowany i wielokrotnie nagradzany rysownik Alex Maleev („Infamous Iron-Man”, „Spider-Woman”, „Scarlet”). W ciągu kilku chwil świat na zawsze się zmienił. Kobra, Spyral, ARGUS, Oddział Specjalny X, DEO – wszystkie najpotężniejsze tajne organizacje zostały zmiecione z powierzchni ziemi. Ich przywódcy są rozproszeni, ukrywają się albo śmierć już puka do ich drzwi. A superbohaterowie tacy jak Superman i Batgirl zostają porwani. Za wszystkim stoi jedna siła: Lewiatan. Tajemniczy nowy geniusz zbrodni przejął kontrolę nad tym owianym złą sławą tajnym stowarzyszeniem. W przeciągu jednej nocy jego członkowie zmienili równowagę sił, którą utrzymywało setki szpiegów, superbohaterów i superłotrów. W jaki sposób udało im się osiągnąć tak wiele w tak krótkim czasie? Jaki jest ich następny krok? A co najważniejsze, kto kryje się pod maską Lewiatana? Aby poznać odpowiedzi na te pytania, siły połączyli najwięksi detektywi na świecie: Batman, Robin, Green Arrow, Plastic Man, Question, Manhunter i Lois Lane. Muszą jednak działać szybko. Każda ślepa uliczka, każdy fałszywy trop i niesłusznie oskarżony podejrzany kosztuje ich utratę czasu, którego nie mają… Ponieważ Lewiatan przygotowuje kolejny ruch. I jeśli bohaterowie nie rozwiążą tej zagadki, żadna siła na ziemi go nie powstrzyma. Album zawiera materiały pierwotnie opublikowane w amerykańskich zeszytach „Event Leviathan #1–6” oraz „Superman: Leviathan Rising Special #1”.

DC universe. Justice League
– Sixth Dimension, Volume 4
Screenplay: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV
Drawings: Jorge Jiménez, Javier Fernandez, Francis Manapul and others.
Translation: Marek Starosta

The fourth volume of adventures of the new Justice League. Far beyond the realms we can comprehend lies the sixth dimension – the control room of the multiverse – where long ago cosmic beings set the course for our destiny. Now that the multiverse is about to be judged and threatened with extinction, the only hope rests in the sixth dimension. There has been no mortal there before… but the League members are no ordinary mortals! As they enter the sixth dimension, the Justice League will learn a version of the Earth from the future where difficult choices have already been made and the multiverse has been saved. Now you only need to accept the new reality and the fight will be over. However, appearances can be deceiving. The Justice League will learn the terrible secret of this supposed paradise on earth, and Superman will have to break free from an incredible trap – a universe created only to to imprison him. With a mighty being and the whole world conspiring against our heroes, will the Justice League remain at the mercy of the Doom Legion? The album leading to the “Year of the Rogues” event was created by Scott Snyder, Jorge Jiménez, Javier Fernandez, James Tynion IV and Francis Manapul. They will take the world’s greatest superheroes beyond the limits of their imaginations, into hitherto unknown territory!

Marvel Classic. Punisher Max, vol 9
Script: Jason Aaron
Drawings: Steve Dillon, Roland Boschi
Translation: Marek Starosta

Not only did the bloody encounter with Bullseye nearly cost the Punisher his life, it also revived the memory of his last moments with his family – far less joyful than he might have seemed. Beaten and imprisoned in the hospital, Frank Castle must now face the myth that spawned the Punisher … and as soon as possible deal with Kingpin, who already has all of New York in his grip. What role will the beautiful and deadly Elektra play in their fight? And will Frank finally be able to go home after all? The author of this story is Jason Aaron – winner of the Eisner Prize and creator of such series as: “Conan the Barbarian”, “Scalp” or “Thor Thunderer”. Steve Dillon is responsible for the drawings – illustrator of, among others the iconic “Preacher”. Adult only comic.

Marvel Now 2.0. Doktor Strange, vol. 3
Screenplay: John Barber, Donny Cates, Dennis Hopeless
Drawings: Niko Henrichon, Gabriel Hernandez Walt
Translated by Marceli Szpak

At the behest of a changed Steve Rogers, the dark forces hid New York under a dome of darkness. The severed city has plunged into chaos and violence, and to save it, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, Spider-Woman and other heroes must forge a dangerous alliance with Kingpin himself! Soon after, Doctor Strange mysteriously disappears, and his title and seat are taken over by … Loki. Will the Norse god of lies take this opportunity to finally become a hero, or will he use the Master of Magic’s power for his own ends? And will Stephen be able to recover what was taken from him? The script for this volume was written by John Barber, Donny Cates (“Cosmic Ghost Rider”, “Venom”) and Dennis Hopeless (“Avengers Arena”, “Spider-Woman”). The drawings were created by Niko Henrichon (“Fairy Tales”, “Lions of Baghdad”, “Noah”) and Gabriel Hernandez Walt (“Vision”).

Premiere on October 14, 2020.

Masters of Comics.
Corto Maltese – Under the North Sun, vol. 13
Script: Juan Díaz Canales
Drawings: Rubén Pellejero
Translation: Maria Mosiewicz

The thirteenth part of the adventures of a good-hearted adventurer who always takes the side of the weak and the oppressed. Corto Maltese this time goes to the Yukon … 1915. The ways of Rasputin and Corto Maltese diverge – the first one goes to the Caribbean, and the second decides to go to San Francisco to visit a friend, a famous writer. This is how the adventure begins that will take the handsome seaman to the far North, beyond the Arctic Circle. In the Canadian land of snow, Corto will get involved in the rebellion of the natives against British rule, take part in a bloody fight for the rights of enslaved women and – as usual – meet extraordinary historical figures. He will also get a chance for great wealth, but at the same time he will experience a painful love failure, the memory of which will haunt him for the rest of his life. The first twelve volumes of the Corto Maltese series were written by the Italian comic book master Hugo Pratt (1927–1995). From the thirteenth album, the series has been continued by two renowned Spanish authors: screenwriter Juan Díaz Canales (the best-selling series “Blacksad”) and cartoonist Rubén Pellejero (one-shot “Le silence de Malka”, awarded in 1997 with an award for foreign comics at the Comics Festival in Angoulême) .

Conan the Barbarian: Conan’s Life and Death,
Book 1, Volume 2
Script: Jason Aaron
Drawings: Mahmud Asrar, Gerardo Zaffino, Garry Brown
Translation: Bartosz Czartoryski

Drugi tom przygód Conana w nowej serii Marvel Comics. Poza trunkami i walką Conan wielbi też kobiety, zwłaszcza jeśli mogą mu pomóc w pokonaniu bogatego bankiera skorego do uciech. Barbarzyńcę czeka jeszcze inny trudny pojedynek. Odradza się Razazel – bóg przywoływany przez Szkarłatną Wiedźmę i służące jej dzieci. Czy Conan sam będzie w stanie stawić im czoła? Cymeryjczyk wróci też do rodzinnej wioski, gdzie przyjdzie mu zmierzyć się z zarazą, która opanowała mieszkańców. Czyżby Thoth-Amon maczał w tym palce? Autorem scenariusza jest Jasona Aaron („Skalp”, „Punisher Max”), a rysunki przygotowali Mahmud Asrar („Wolverine i X-Men”) i Gerardo Zaffino („Karnak”, „Rumble”). W Wydawnictwie Egmont ukazują się cztery serie, których bohaterem jest Conan: „Conan”, „Conan Barbarzyńca”, „Era Conana” i „Conan – Miecz barbarzyńcy”.

DC Deluxe. Omega Men – It’s Over
Script: Tom King
Drawings: Barnaby Bagenda, Toby Cypress, Ig Guara, Jose Marzan Jr.
Translation: Tomasz Sidorkiewicz

An adventurous and at the same time serious story about the mechanisms that rule the world. A closed story that you can read without knowing the other DC series. Kyle Rayner, the White Lantern, was killed by Omega Men believed to be terrorists and fanatics. Official propaganda says so. Or maybe these bandits are the last hope for freedom in the God-forgotten sector of the Universe? However, the White Lantern is alive – he is imprisoned by the Omega Men who want to recruit him to fight in a constant war against the all-powerful Citadel and its tyrannical rule. Once Kyle gets to know a handful of outlaws, will he start questioning everything he knows about being a hero? Will he break the Lantern Oath and join the revolutionaries? Or maybe he will discover that the Omega Men are monsters after all? The writer of this amazing story is Eisner Award winner Tom King (“Mister Miracle”, “Batman – One Day”). The drawings are the responsibility of a graphic artist Barnaby Bagenda, who lives in Indonesia, who gained popularity with the series “Omega Men”.

DC universe. Superman Action Comics
– Hunting for Leviathan, vol. 3
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Drawings: Szymon Kudrański
Translation: Jakub Syty

The third volume of the series “Superman Action Comics – Hunting Lewiatan”, with the script of the award-winning author Brian Michael Bendis (“Daredevil”, “Naomi”) and drawings by Polish artist Szymon Kudrański (“Legion of Super-Heroes”, “Punisher”). The terrorist group Leviathan has outsmarted all the intelligence agencies in the DC universe. As Superman faces global chaos, Metropolis also faces a local threat. The Invisible Mafia is a secret criminal organization that somehow manages to operate right under Man of Steel’s nose. Red Cloud, endowed with superhuman powers, helps them in this. In all this madness Lex Luthor returns to Metropolis. He knows the truth about Red Cloud, but will he reveal it to his greatest enemy? Superman will be able to count on the help of a new superhero from Wonder Comics – Naomi, and the split personality Rose and Thorn. But is it enough with enemies lurking all around?

DC universe. Green Lantern
– The Day the Stars Fell, Volume 2
Script: Grant Morrison
Drawings: Liam Sharp
Translation: Marek Starosta

The famous screenwriter Grant Morrison (“All-Star Superman”, “Wonder Woman: Earth One”) and cartoonist Liam Sharp (“The Brave and The Bold: Batman and Wonder Woman”) continue their own unique interpretation of the adventures of the greatest galactic lawman, Green Lantern! Wherever Hal Jordan goes, from the ruins of a city hidden in his ring of power to the fantastic planet of wizards and dragons, a multiverse of old and new allies is ready to help him. But while Hal can always count on the support of Green Arrow or Carol Ferris … the greatest challenge he will have to face alone. The evil Blackstars have created the ultimate machine of destruction: the Lantern of Antimatter. The journey into the antimatter universe will lead Hal to the edge of reality, where he will face the final showdown.

DC universe. Detective Comics
– Knight of Arkham, Volume 2
Screenplay: Peter J. Tomasi
Drawings: Brad Walker, Doug Mahnke and others.
Translation: Tomasz Sidorkiewicz

In the second volume of the Batman Detective Comics series, acclaimed screenwriter Peter J. Tomasi (“Adventures Of The Super Sons”) and accomplished cartoonist Brad Walker (“Aquaman”) introduce the Knight from Arkham and send Batman to war! The people of Gotham believe that the Dark Knight protects them from the dangers lurking in the city’s streets. But is this aggressive self-proclaimed evil slayer really better than the monsters he fights? The Arkham Knight embarks on a crusade to defeat Batman and free Gotham from his tyranny. Along with the Arkham Knight, a host of deadly allies from Sanctuary stand. The Mysterious Knight hopes to win one more person over to his side. Will he be able to get Robin to join his cause?

Marvel Now 2.0.
Guardians of the Galaxy – Disagreement, Volume 1
Script: Gerry Duggan
Drawings: Aaron Kuder, Marcus To
Translation: Marcin Roszkowski

The first volume of Guardians of the Galaxy adventures from the Marvel NOW publishing series! 2.0. As you know, nothing works like a cosmic scam like a good scam. This time, however, the Guardians of the Galaxy grabbed the sun with their hoe and inadvertently blended into the war between the Elders of the Universe – creatures as powerful as they were unpredictable! Their intrigues can easily lead to the disintegration of the team, especially since communication has been compromised recently. What is Gamora hiding? Why has Groot stopped growing? What made Drax the Destroyer renounce violence? And where have the infamous Infinity Stones, capable of changing reality, gone? The screenplay for this volume was written by Gerry Duggan, an author known from such series as “Deadpool” and “Conan – The Barbarian Sword”. The drawings were made by Aaron Kuder and Marcus To.

Marvel Now 2.0. Amazing Spider-Man
– Global Network: Venom Inc., Volume 8
Script: Dan Slott, Mike Costa
Drawings: Ryan Stegman, Gerardo Sandoval
Translated by Bartosz Czartoryski

Peter Parker, Eddie Brock and The Flash Thompson share a bond – literally! Their lives were changed by the Venom symbiote. Now the pitch black alien creature is doubling its efforts to keep these three heroes from complaining of boredom. In addition, a lady well known to Spidey will have to deal with a bully thug introducing himself as Maniac, who decided to prove to the world that he deserved his nickname like hardly anyone. Will Black Cat and her gang manage him? Meanwhile, Venom grows its tentacles deep into the New York underworld … The authors of the script are Dan Slott (“She-Hulk”, “Mighty Avengers”) and Mike Costa (“GI Joe: Cobra”), and the drawings were prepared by Ryan Stegman (“She-Hulks” , “Wolverine”) and Gerardo Sandoval (“New Avengers”, “Wolverine”).

Rick and Morty,
Vol.10 Screenplay: Kyle Starks, Tini Howard, Sarah Graley, Marc Ellerby,
Benjamin Dewey, Josh Trujillo, Karla Pacheco
Drawings: Marc Ellerby, Pueste, Andrew Maclean, Jarrett Williams,
Sarah Graley, Kyle Starks, Benjamin Dewey, Rii Abrego,
CJ Cannon, Ian McGinty
Translation: Jacek Drewnowski

More adventures of still drooling, degenerate genius Rick Sanchez, who draws his shy – or, as Rick himself puts it: stupid – grandson Morty Smith into dangerous adventures across the universe! In this volume, we will learn about the dark secrets of the Rickorld, the grim effects of watching TV series, the boredom of time-laps and Rick’s strange sensitivity to raccoons. Morty will also reveal his reluctance to have absolute power (yes, that’s one evidence of his stupidity). Plus, the album features a special 50th issue of the series that is so twisted all our favorite creators had to work with, from more frequent or rarer visitors like Tini Howard (“Euthanauts, Thanos”) or Andrew MacLean ( “Head Lopper”, to regular series authors such as Kyle Starks (“Sexcastle”, “Assassination Nation”) and Marc Ellerby.

Kaczgród. Uncle Sknerus and Donald Duck
– The Last of the McKwacz Clan, Volume 4
Script: Don Rosa
Drawings: Don Rosa
Translation: Jacek Drewnowski

The fourth volume of stories about Scrooge and other heroes from Kaczgród by the famous American screenwriter and cartoonist Don Rosa. In the title story, the first chapter of Don Rosa’s magnum opus, “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck”, we learn about the Scottish childhood of the richest duck in the world. In the comic book “The First Penny” we learn how the Scrooge earned his famous coin. In “Lord of the Mississippi”, a young licykgroup, shortly after arriving in America, goes steamboat and meets the ancestors of famous Kaczogrodzki figures, Diodak and the Be Brothers. Later, you switch from the ship to the horse to drive huge herds of cattle in the story “Cowboy of the Badland.” And this is just the beginning of his numerous adventures! The collection, consisting of ten volumes, is the first complete, Chronological edition of Duck’s Adventures by readers’ favorite Don Rosa, following in the footsteps of the legendary Disney author Carl Barks, but with his own unique style. Rosa, who became famous for his cycle “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck”, told stories about Scrooge and Donald for two decades!

Four from Baker Street.
The Man from Scotland Yard, Volume 6
Screenplay: Jean-Blaise Djian, Olivier Legrand
Drawings: David Etien
Translated by Ernest Kacperski

1893. The pursuit of the Baker Street guerrillas continues! Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes, locked in a hideout in the East End of London, wages a secret war against Moriarty’s former associates: the sinister Colonel Moran and Commissioner Blackstone of Scotland Yard, a high-ranking police officer without whom the professor would never have built his crime empire …
The Scotland Yard man is going to puke Holmes out of hiding at all costs before he can unmask him. And he will literally do anything to find both the elusive detective and his inseparable friends, young helpers known as the Baker Street guerrillas. Billy, Charlie and Black Tom, chased by the police, are forced to flee. This is how the chase full of dangers and deadly ambushes begins, which will end in a real tragedy … From now on, nothing will be the same for the Baker Street guerrillas …

Minecraft: To the
Mobs Script: Kristen Gudsnuk
Drawings: Kristen Gudsnuk
Translation: Anna Hikiert-Bereza

A comic based on the popular Minecraft game. Enter the Primary World and experience an exciting adventure with the heroes. Cahira and Orion are twins learning the art of hunting monsters under the tutelage of Senan the Conscientious. After a difficult fight, their mentor falls victim to an enchanted wither – from now on, the siblings have to rely only on themselves! A brother and sister embark on a mission to bring their master back to life, and find an unexpected ally along the way. They find themselves in the underground house of a girl named Atria, destined to be a bait for monsters. Cahira and Orion persuade her to join them and use her abilities to lure an enchanted wither … and she wants to learn how to protect herself from mobs who are after her.

Fibi and the unicorn. Gallop through the holidays, volume 4
Script: Dana Simpson
Drawings: Dana Simpson
Translation: Mateusz Lis

Another volume full of humorous and wise stories about the girl Fibi and Marigold, a beautiful representative of the unicorn species. Our heroines will have to deal with the mess in the girl’s room, and then something to do with the disappearance of that room! Then the differences between humankind and unicorn will be fully revealed when it is time to talk about which books are valuable. Subsequently, Marigold succumbs to the severe case of a disease plaguing her species called asteroid. Fibi and her friend will also return to the summer camp for music-making children, where they will meet again crazy Sue, who got the nickname Potworzyła because she is friends with the dragon from the lake. Together they will prove to everyone that a little bit of madness has never hurt anyone!
Dana Simpson gained worldwide fame with her series about Fibi, for which she received two important American awards for creativity for children. She is also the author of series intended primarily for adult readers: “Ozzy and Millie”, “I Drew This” and “Raine Dog”.

Wisienka’s Diaries, The Last of Five Treasures, volume 3
Script: Joris Chamblain
Drawings: Aurélie Neyret
Translation: Marek Puszczewicz

Christmas is coming. Thinking about gifts for loved ones, decorating a Christmas tree with her mother are not an obstacle for Wisienka to throw herself into another detective adventure. On the contrary. Was it the magic of Christmas that made all these things inexplicably relate to each other? Because why the young bookbinder Sandra, who visits the library very often, doesn’t like Christmas? What connects her with Cherry, apart from the love for books? Why the sadness in her eyes and the strange trouble with memory? There are more and more questions, and when Wisienka and her friends are invited by the girl to a bookbinding workshop and find a trunk with a note inside in a dusty storeroom, nothing will stop them from conducting an investigation, which will allow Sandra step by step to go back to childhood times, to face his traumas. The script was written by Joris Chamblain, and the beautiful drawings were created by Aurélie Neyret. “Wisienka’s Diaries” is a comic book for children that was a great success in France and won the Youth Prize at the Angoulême International Comic Festival in 2014.

Lucky Luke. Artist painter, volume 69
Screenplay: Bob de Groot
Drawings: Morris
Translation: Maria Mosiewicz

Another humorous story about the legendary cowboy!
Lucky Luke has an important task: he is to protect a painter on his journey – not just any, but a real artist, the famous author of paintings depicting the life of the Wild West! The charge turns out to be a nice giant who likes good food and saloon fights. The creator’s dream is to paint a portrait of the most famous Indian chieftain, Hiawathy, so the heroes set off on a long journey, during which they will have to face a crazy avenger, cowboys willing to fight, bank robbers and dangerous warriors from the Noble Feet tribe! The Lucky Luke series was created by two legends of the Francophone comic book market: the writer René Goscinny (1926–1977) and the cartoonist Morris (born Maurice de Bevere, 1923–2001).

Smerfy Komiks. Smerfy i smok z jeziora, tom 36
Scenariusz: Alain Jost, Thierry Culliford
Rysunki: Jeroen De Coninck, Miguel Diaz
Przekład: Maria Mosiewicz

The latest story about blue gnomes from an enchanted forest. The Smurfs always have something crazy – and this time it will be the same! The brawny is brave, but even he is terrified when a monster emerges from the lake’s waters! This is how the amazing adventure with the dragon in the lead role begins. Is the giant beast going to destroy the Smurf village? Or maybe it came for a completely different purpose? A long journey in defense of justice awaits Papa Smurf and a team of little daredevils. This time, the inhabitants of the forest will have to meddle with the people they usually avoid. Here’s a brand new version of the story of the dragon and George! The Smurfs were invented by Belgian screenwriter and graphic artist Pierre Culliford (1928–1992), using the pseudonym Peyo. Currently, the authors of the series are Peyo’s successors, including his son Thierry.


Competition Janusz Christy is an initiative launched in 2013 by the Egmont Publishing House, aimed at promoting new Polish comic book creators and their works addressed to children. Comics by the winners of the Janusz Christy are kept in various conventions – from funny fantasy, through humor, fairy tale and adventure, to more serious comic books. Drawn with various techniques and in a variety of artistic styles. Each series is aimed at children of all ages, from 6 to 12 years old. The entire collection is an interesting and diverse offer of contemporary children’s comics, created by a new generation of Polish artists.

Maja and Minizaury – Operation Forest, vol. 3
Script: Kajetan Vacuum
Drawings: Kajetan Vacuum
Cover: paperback with wings

Agent Spinner was missing in action. Our three brave Minizaurs decide to return to Earth and find their friend. They ask their friend Maja for help. Together, they go to the old forest, from where the signal from the agent’s transmitter comes. However, finding Spinner is not the only problem of our heroes, someone else is on their heels …
The author of the comic book is an illustrator of books for children, screenwriter and comic cartoonist Kajetan Wyścig The comic awarded in the third edition of the “Competition for them. Janusz Christy on a comic for children ”.

The premiere on October 27, 2020.

Star Wars Komiks – Fortress Vader, vol.10
Script: Charles Soule
Drawings: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Translated by Jacek Drewnowski

Seria dla miłośników komiksu i fanów świata Star Wars. Co trzy miesiące aż do 148 stron z najnowszymi komiksami Star Wars, wydawanymi od 2015 roku przez wydawnictwo Marvel Comics. W każdym tomie prezentowane są zamknięte opowieści obrazkowe, tworzone przez najlepszych scenarzystów i rysowników. Wszystkie komiksy w magazynie należą do obowiązującego kanonu uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen i wzbogacają dzieje odległej galaktyki o nowe przygody bohaterów i czarnych charakterów, zarówno znanych z oryginalnej trylogii o zmaganiach Rebelii z Imperium, jak i z nowych filmów o walce Ruchu Oporu z Najwyższym Porządkiem. Tom dziesiąty ma powiększoną objętość i zawiera długą historię „Twierdza Vader”, wieńczącą cykl „Darth Vader – Mroczny Lord Sithów”. Prawa ręka Imperatora Palpatine’a – Darth Vader – musi z pomocą inkwizytorów rozprawić się z największym zagrożeniem dla rosnącego w siłę Imperium, czyli ocalałymi z czystki rycerzami Jedi. A gdy zabraknie Jedi do eliminacji, trzeba będzie poszukać innych celów…

Premiere October 28, 2020.

Masters of Comics. The Monster, 2nd Edition.
Screenplay: Enki Bilal.
Drawings: Enki Bilal.
Translation: Wojciech Birek

Nike Hatzfeld, an orphan from Sarajevo, is 33 years old. It lives at a time when the whole world is plunged into a catastrophic political and social crisis. Democracy is collapsing and its place is being taken by a variety of religious movements as well as predatory and extreme ideologies, both right and left. The most important of the new characters of the changing reality is the satanic Optus Warhole, the self-proclaimed Artist of the Highest Evil … The wave of his criminal activity is flooding the world, but it affects Nike and his loved ones in a special way. The heroes become the object of the sophisticated endeavors of a criminal who strives to implement his insane plans.

In his mind, Nike travels to another era of chaos and fire – the day he was born in a hospital in Sarajevo during the Yugoslav Civil War. It was then that his future was forever tied to the fate of two other orphans, Amir and Leyla. Though the children were quickly separated, Nike – only eighteen days old – swore to find friends and to protect them at all times. Now is the time to fulfill your promise. This is how a crazy, dark, suffering science fiction story begins, unfolding in a world we wouldn’t want to know. Enki Bilal’s vision is the result of a logical analysis of our present reality. So does everything have to end badly and gloomily? Fortunately, the author of this excellent story sees hope …

“Monster” is the collective album of the series called “Monster Tetralogy”. It includes the volumes: “A Monster’s Dream”, “December 32”, “Meeting in Paris” and “Four?”. History is a projection of both individual and collective memory, in which the records of the collapse of Yugoslavia – Bilal’s home country – are mixed with the prognosis of a bleak future. The creator of the series presents hundreds of expressive images, sometimes shocking and brutal, which warn us about what may lie ahead. However, it also shows that in the heroes – and therefore in us – there is a salutary need for love.

Śpioch, vol 2
Script: Ed Brubaker
Drawings: Sean Phillips, Colin Wilson
Translation: Tomasz Kłoszewski

The second volume of one of the best American comic series, in which elements of a black detective story and a spy thriller intertwine. Double agent Holden Carver finds himself in a hopeless situation. Tao – the crime genius whose organization Carver had infiltrated – assassinated Intelligence Chief John Lynch, the only man privy to the details of Holden’s mission. Lynch fell into a coma after being shot. Thus, Tao cut off Carver’s path to return to his former life and made the agent, seeing no other choice, decide to serve his new boss… this time for real. Regardless of his loyalty to the Tao, however, Holden Carver hopes to regain his good name and return to service for the government. However, there is something that he does not know and what might turn against him… Lynch has woken up and now the lives of both men are sure to get even more complicated. The album is the work of Eisner Award winners: screenwriter Ed Brubaker (“Wonder Woman”, “Gotham Central”, “Batman”) and cartoonist Sean Phillips (“Fatale”, “Criminal”). Adult comic.

Invincible, vol 9
Screenplay: Robert Kirkman
Drawings: Ryan Ottley
Translation: Agata Cieślak

The ninth volume of adventures of Mark Greyson, known as Invincible. As usual, we will find fighting scenes, blood and tears, but most of all unusual plot twists. We will find out why Regent Thragg hates Mark and his father so much, as well as the consequences of Robot and Monster Girl’s stay on Thrax. The author of the series’ script is Robert Kirkman, creator of, among others “The Living Dead” and “Outcast” with the drawings by Ryan Ottley (“The Amazing Spider-Man”).

Black Hammer / Justice League
– The Hammer of Justice
Screenplay: Jeff Lemire
Drawings: Michael Walsh
Translation: Tomasz Sidorkiewicz

Another volume of stories about the lost heroes from Spiral City. This time around, they will have adventures with the legendary superheroes of the Justice League! A mysterious gentleman wearing a hat appears on the farm where Blackhammer’s former companions are imprisoned. The same smiling old man visits Metropolis to have a short chat with Batman, Superman and their friends. The consequences of both of these events will be unbelievable! The two worlds will be jumbled up and the confused heroes will face challenges they never imagined before. Who is responsible for this mess? Is it about cruel play with the worlds, or is the cause of these events hidden much deeper? Will anyone know what the man in the hat really meant? The “Black Hammer” series is enriched with side stories, including the volumes already published in Poland: “Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil”, “Doctor Star and the Kingdom of the Lost Future”, “Quantum Era” and “Black Hammer ’45”. The series was written by Jeff Lemire (“Essex Tales”, “Animal Man”, “The Foodie”), and the drawings for this volume were created by Michael Walsh (“Comeback”, “Secret Avengers”).

DC universe. The Doomsday Clock
Written by: Geoff Johns
Drawings: Gary Frank.
Translation: Jacek Drewnowski

The world of “Guardians” collides with the DC universe in “Doomsday” by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank, the critically acclaimed duo that has written comics such as “Shazam” and “Batman. Earth One ”.
Seven years after the events of The Guardians, Adrian Veidt was exposed as responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Now he is being pursued, but has devised a new plan to redeem himself in the eyes of the world. First step? Find Doctor Manhattan. Together with the new Rorschach and the never-before-seen Mime and Puppet, he follows Manhattan’s footsteps into the DC universe, which is on the brink of collapse as international tensions move the hands of the doom clock closer to midnight. Is that all Dr. Manhattan’s doing? Doomsday Clock, derived from the DC Universe – Rebirth, transforms the past, present and future of DC Comics heroes. The album contains material originally published in US Doomsday Clock # 1-12.

W październiku Egmont wraca z kolejnymi nowościami ze świata komiksu. Po raz kolejny w ręce czytelników trafią  polskie wydania tytułów najsłynniejszych zagranicznych wydawnictw takich jak Marvel czy DC. Poza tym znajdzie się też miejsce dla komiksu polskiego i europejskiego.

Marvel Now 2.0. Generations
Screenplay: Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis,
Cullen Bunn, Greg Pak, Nick Spencer, Margaret Stohl,
Tom Taylor, Kelly Thompson, G. Willow Wilson
Drawings: Mahmud Asrar, Matteo Buffagni, Szymon Kudrański,
Nico Leon, Ramón Pérez, Stefano Raffaele, Paul Renaud,
Ramon Rosanas, Marco Rudy, Brent Schoonover,
RB Silva, Will Sliney, Paolo Villanelli
Translation: Bartosz Czartoryski, Maria Jaszczurowska,
Marek Starosta, Marceli Szpak, Weronika Sztorc, Anna Tatarska

Miles Morales, Ms Marvel, teenage Jean Gray and other young superheroes have long lived in the shadow of their mentors. Yet in their clash with the secret empire, the Hydra were put to the hardest test – and they won! As a reward, the Cosmic Cube took them to another time, to meet older idols and friends. What will they learn about each other during this joint adventure? How will their concept of heroism change after confronting legendary heroes such as Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker and Wolverine?

Here is an anthology of comic stories in which the most popular Marvel writers pay tribute to two generations of superheroes: Jason Aaron (“Mighty Thor”, “Punisher Max”), Brian Michael Bendis (“Daredevil: Fearless!”, “Ultimate Spider-Man”), Cullen Bunn (“Harrow County”, “The Sixth Revolver”), Greg Pak (“Planet Hulk”), Nick Spencer (“The Secret Empire”) and Margaret Stohl, author known from the best-selling novel “Beautiful Creatures”.

Their stories were illustrated, among others, by Mahmud Asrar (“Conan the Barbarian”), Ramón Pérez (“Sand Tale”), Ramon Rosanas (“Ant-Man: Second Chance”) and Polish artist Szymon Kudrański (“Avengers: Time Ends”, “Spawn”).

Marvel Classic. Ultimate X-Men, vol 1
Script: Mark Millar, Geoff Johns
Drawings: Adam Kubert, Andy Kubert, Tom Raney,
Tom Derenick, Aaron Lopresti
Translation: Marcin Roszkowski

The world is on the brink of a genetic war. Human-made sentinels are designed to eliminate mutants. Magneto, in turn, with a group of his supporters wants to destroy anyone with unmutated DNA. Total destruction can only be stopped by a group of specific teenagers and their strange mentor! Worse, they are joined by Wolverine, who wants to deal with the creators of the Weapon X program. Can you imagine a more difficult entry into the superhero world? This is how the story of teenage X-Men begins … Written by Mark Millar (“Civil War”, “Wolverine: Old Man Logan”), and the drawings were prepared by Adam Kubert, Andy Kubert, Tom Raney and Thomas Derenick.

Kajko and Kokosz. Laughing Day – in highlander style
Script: Janusz Christa
Drawings: Janusz Christa
Translation: Bartłomiej Kuraś

“Kajko i Kokosz – Dzionecek slasów” (or “Day of Laughter”) is the fourth album translated into the highland dialect (years ago, the Egmont publishing house released the album “Ogromniasto gońba”, in 2018 “Pałacy guślorek”, and in 2019 – ” Wodzicka for health “). The series tells the story of two warriors – the brave and prudent Kajk and the voracious and selfish Kokosz, who defend Mirmiłów against the attacks of evil Robbers led by Hegemon and experience lots of fun adventures. The comic book by the master of comics, Janusz Christa, was created in the 1970s and 1980s and was one of the showpieces of the youth magazine Świat Młodych. In 2003, the Egmont Polska publishing house resumed the series, and thanks to this re-edition, all parts of the comic were first published in color. Kajko and Kokosz went hunting and … they became the game themselves! Fortunately, the bear that hunted them was not interested in eating the warriors, but in making a deal. It was Dziad Borowy, who is an animal by day, takes a human form by night, and all the time cares for the good of the forest. Meanwhile, a lot of trees have recently disappeared from the boron! Kajko and Kokosz are to explain the matter. And they quickly solve the puzzle: the vandals cutting the forest to the trunk turn out to be Robbers, who have a special idea to celebrate a certain jubilee – the 50th attempt to conquer Mirmilov. And the next day strange things happen in the castle: the bed with Kokosz is found on the roof of his hut in the morning, Mirmil discovers that he has laid an egg at night, and mice are playing in the blacksmith’s pot. What is going on? The festival of jokes has begun – Laughing Day! The colorful dialect of the rocky Podhale region combined with the unique humor of Chirsta is great fun, and, by the way, auxiliary material in the cultivation of highlander dialect. No wonder that another album in highlander style has already been created!

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