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Christmas comics worth knowing!

In connection with the holiday season, dear reader, I would like to offer you a list of the most interesting stories that you can read around a blanket, Christmas carols and good food.

Batman Adventures Holiday Special 1995

The one-off comic strip features Gotham City over the holiday season. The four stories in it depict the bats’ favorite crime-fighting family, the abduction plot of Harley Quinn and Ivy, Mr. White’s Christmas. Freeze and the scary Santa Claus robbing department stores in his spare time. The Harley and Ivy excerpt is full of slapstick and eye-catching colors and has been adapted for an episode of the animated series Batman . Quiet and loud, sentimental and extravagant comic that will fill you with Christmas spirit like a Christmas stocking.

Batman: Noel

We also cannot forget about this comic by Lee Bermejo. In this story, DC pays homage to A Christmas Carol . By making an analogy between Batman and Ebenezer Scrooge from the original story, Bermejo gives us an up-to-date and superhero version of Dickens’ story, in which the Dark Knight is visited by his own ghosts from the past, present and future. With a dark but endearing tone, the cartoonist and screenwriter draws a line to both the past and classic Batman stories, as well as his future as he moves through the character’s current style.

Hellboy: Christmas Special (1997)

This atypical comic combines folklore horror with a Christmas spirit in a one-off anthology from Dark Horse Comics. In Hellboy II: The Christmas Special is one of the best holidays to date comics depicting gruesome tale in which Hellboy goes down to hell, to find the missing daughter of a dying woman, Ernie fights with giant spiders, and some form of spent Christmas night in the forbidden chamber. Supported by gorgeous gorgeous black and white illustrations, reading Hellboy: Christmas Special is like feasting on a sweet plate of festive desserts.

Sabrina’s Christmas Magic

This story was originally part of the Archie Giant series. The 1972-1982 Sabrina’s Christmas Magic comics have been available to read for some time as a 100-page collection. Sabrina the Teenage Witch just got her first series in 1971 when in the Archie Giant comicsChristmas stories began to appear. The collection of Christmas comics tells us some totally extraordinary stories. Whether a cute witch is drinking an eggnog with a werewolf or hanging decorations with a forefinger, the witch loves to celebrate Christmas with her aunts. Christmas bells and choirs are singing and Sabrina decides to make this season special for everyone. As usual with a magical teenage witch, all kinds of madness happen. Pour your own glass of eggnog and try not to be jealous of Miss Spellman’s levitation power as you read about the magic of Christmas.

Lobo: Paramilitary Special Holidays

It’s one of Lobo’s funniest, cruelest, and roughest chapters. This story of Keith Giffen and Alan Grant, with drawings by Simon Bisley, was originally published in 1992 and sends a Black Man for one particularly difficult prey: Santa Claus. The bounty hunter is hired by the Easter Bunny to finish off the “competition”, leading to a fierce battle between Santa’s and Lobo’s elf army. As you can imagine, this story is not a so-called children’s reading. Of course, this comic book is particularly rowdy and transgressive for its time. By the way! Did you know that this comic has a short film version made in 2002? You can see it at this link: Portrait of a bastard .

Big Dipper

This is a short story about Donald Duck and his nephews, published in 1947 in the youth magazine “Four Color Comics”. Why are we talking about her on this list? Because it was the first comic book with Uncle Scrooge, the richest duck in the world. With this comic book, Carl Barks introduced us to the long-lost uncle Donald, or rather his mother’s brother. The greedy, rich and gloomy millionaire, lost touch with his family and set out to find her. But, ashamed of her average nephew, she decides to put him to the test, inviting him to spend the night in his hut in the mountains, in a region full of bears. Result? I will not tell you. Let me just say that this comic book, although it has aged a lot, is one of Disney’s brightest stories.Carl Barks. Kaczogród.

Michaelangelo. Christmas Special

This is a comic book released in 1990. This is Michaelangelo’s solo Christmas adventure, included in the original series by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, the creative duo of the Ninja Turtle Quartet. Michaelangelo, who appears in this story, becomes the protagonist of the plot when he sets out to look for gifts for his brothers on Christmas Day. However, things get complicated when he discovers that the department store he is buying in has fallen victim to a robbery. This story, apart from its festive appearance, is important because it is one of the comics in which the authors were most successful develop the character and personality of said turtle. Elements are poured into it, which are used to mark the youngest member of the quartet as the carefree, most childish character of the group.

X-Men: Demon

The comic originally published in March 1981 proposed returning the N’Garai demons to the vicinity of Charles Xavier’s school and creating a horror story. Whereas in previous years the X-Men and a member of this demon race had clashed, now the premise was quite different. Novice Kitty Pryde has to deal with one of the monsters in the house on her own. We will not spoil the ending, but we will say that the tone of the comic book, in a style reminiscent of survival horror movies, is quite intense, all set in a Christmas atmosphere. How could you have come up with a better story?


Did someone say “sexy Santa”? Speaking of the best Christmas comics, the acclaimed Klaus comic book series from BOOM! Studios rest on the top of the tree as a shining star. Santa Claus is losing his beard and donning new robes in this intimate comic book series inspired by the Nordic / Viking tradition. There is no better image of Santa Claus than Klaus; blackbeard, muscular savior who wants to save his hometown from evil. Klausfunctions as the story of Nicholas’ origin, painting Klaus as a Viking crusader. Klaus risks his life and takes down armed guards to deliver forbidden toys to the children’s door at night. But the angry Magnus holds the city captive with an iron grip, forces the laborers to backbreaking labor in the mines, takes the kids’ toys and orders Klaus to be captured. However, the dark forces, beyond Magnus or Klaus’ control, are looking for children with much more sinister goals. In 2018, the KBOOM publishing house published this comic in Polish.


I hope these few comics will encourage you to spend some time after Christmas comics dinner. Happy Holidays and all comics under the Christmas tree!

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