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Check yourself out! – review of the cooperative game “Fun Facts”

Fun Facts is an incredibly simple cooperative party game that will test how well you know the other party members! Although it can only be used for private entertainment purposes (due to registered and unregistered trade names and trademarks), this should not be a problem for us. So let’s play!



Game setup is intuitive. First, shuffle the question cards, then draw 8 cards (labeled Fun Facts) and place them in a face-down pile in the center of the table. The remaining cards will no longer be needed, so we can safely put them back in the box (for subsequent encounters). Each participant receives one dart and one marker, both of the same color. Players place the arrow with the tip up and write their name on one of the sides. They will write their answers on the second page. All that remains is to choose the first player and give him a star token. Eight rounds and eight cards await, and the score will show how well you know each other! Get ready for half an hour of fun!

And what’s next?

First of all, there are three phases of the game: writing down the answers, placing the arrows and revealing the arrows. In each turn, one – the first – player draws a card, reads a rather personal question aloud and answers it by writing a certain number on the arrow. The other participants of the game simultaneously perform the same activity, without showing the other players their suggestions. The answer must consist of a number, sometimes it may also contain a unit (seconds, years…). Selected cards require answers on a scale of 0 to 100, but they have a special marking. ATTENTION! It may happen that the question does not suit us, then we can put the card down and draw a new one!

In the second phase, players place arrows face down in the middle of the table. The person who has the star token (and only she) has several options: she can place the arrow at the top (if she thinks that her/his answer is the highest), at the bottom (if she thinks it is the lowest), or between the arrows of the other players. players (if he thinks it is somewhere in the middle).

Phase three reveals the mystery. The arrows should form an ascending string of values. So we remove those that are in the wrong place. Players get one point for each correctly placed arrow. The star token is passed to the person on the left who starts the next round.


The author – Kasper Lapp – has prepared as many as 195 cards with questions, which gives us great opportunities (assuming that we will use only a few / a dozen of them during the game), but … one should not forget that some mechanisms get bored quickly, so it’s good to dose enjoy yourself! Playing with Fun Facts is – in my opinion – very satisfying. The minimum age of players is 8 years old, which is easy to disagree with (the pace of the game should be maintained, and fluent reading skills will also come in handy!). I recommend an eight-player game, but if there are slightly fewer fans of cooperative games at your party, you can also have fun. With Fun Facts always!

Nasza ocena: 8/10

A great cooperative party game!

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