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CD-Action – Valhalla will wait yet

Years ago, when new CD-Action issues were regularly coming under the roof of my house , I associated it with rich and professional content and reliable reviews. After a long break, I returned to this iconic magazine. What is the legend of Polish journalism on computer games looking like now?

My studies brutally ended my personal love affair with CD-Action , which had been going on regularly for years, giving me a lot of fun and knowledge. However, the stage of intensive education is behind me, so I am happy to return to meetings with my old friend, especially glad that after the recent dark clouds, gloomy over the heads of the editors of the magazine, fortunately only a memory is left. This time, however, unlike in the past, I will share my meeting with my old friend with you! However, before I give you an account of this rendez vous, first, important information from the authors themselves:

At the end of the year, our current code system will end, thanks to which you could add to your libraries full versions included with CD-Action , receive various discounts or get virtual items in games. So if you have any redeemable codes from previous numbers, you should redeem them as soon as possible. We are currently working on a new solution that will replace the current system.

Now let’s get to the point, which is also interesting what happened to me during the meeting after many years.

Score by cover?


As the saying goes, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but nobody said you couldn’t make an opinion about it. In this case, there is a lot to talk about, as we see quite neat and matched graphics from the latest Assassin’s Creed installment , sprinkled with reflective runes visible only at the right angle. Its care should be appreciated the more that, according to the original plans, we were to see a theme from the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 . Postponing the premiere of the most anticipated game had much more consequences, fortunately the authors of the cover dealt with this problem for a medal.

The first impression is the first impression, but every personal trainer and pick-up teacher will admit that what really matters is the interior. If CD-Action were a girl waiting for a date, it could certainly intimidate many suits with what their soul presents. A large amount of content, full of reliable reviews, journalism and editorial humor, will be enough for the month intended for it, and perhaps even longer. We will find here not only an extensive evaluation of such hits as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla , an early version of Baldur’s Gate III or Spider-Man: Miles Morales , but also such gems as a charming opinion about When the Past was Aroundembellished with quotes from Witkacy or the witcher’s specific language, the description of the Witcher: Farewell to the White Wolf, treating. It is also worth immersing yourself in journalism, where the authors deal with the myths surrounding warlike women, take us on a nostalgic journey through the history of worm war in the cult series Wormsand make readers aware of what racism and androids have in common. As in the case of the premieres of high-profile productions, the most important event in the industry, i.e. the premiere of the new generation of the largest consoles, could not be overlooked. Two extensive descriptions, which have completely dominated the technology department, present the latest Playstation and Xbox to us in a very accessible way, without technical gibberish understood only by fanatical lovers of disassembling guts, right down to the quarks themselves.

Returning to the CD-Action reading after many years, I was not disappointed at all, and even devoured the pages with the former joy, feeling like a long-awaited meeting with a long-lost best friend. It is all the more happy that the magazine has overcome the crisis by proudly standing on its straight legs. Valhalla would still wait to accept him into her bloated hall. And what will the next number look like? I will tell you about it with pleasure, but in due time.

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