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Casting news from “The Batman”

The cast of the new Batman movie may grow soon, incl. for the star of the series Westworld .


According to the latest reports, negotiations are underway with Jeffrey Wright to join the so far modest cast of The Bataman , Matt Reeves. The actor would play the role of Commissioner Gordon, one of the dark knight’s most faithful and oldest allies. The character of Gotham City Police Chief has recently been played by incl. Gary Oldamn in the Dark Knight trilogy and JK Simmons in the Justice League .

Interestingly, Wright was not the main candidate for the role of Jim Gordon. Originally, Reeves was going to be strong in soliciting Mahershali Ali. What stood in the way? Probably the actor’s obligations to rival Marvel Studios. It was revealed at this year’s Comic Con in San Diego that the actor is expected to play Blade, the vampire hunter, in the near future.

In addition to the news about the search for a new Gordon, there was also information that Jonah Hill would also be negotiating joining the Batman production. Here, unfortunately, the reports are not specific and it is not known who exactly the actor and recently also the director would play. It is only known that it will be a villain. It is speculated on the web that it would be Oswald Cobblepot, better known for his criminal pseudonym – Penguin.

The Batman is slated to hit theaters from the end of June 2021.

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