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Board games in Spodek – I came, I saw, I played

On September 4-5, the Board Games in Spodek were held. The fourth edition of the Katowice festival attracted huge crowds of hungry players who, after many canceled events, could finally meet live.

The board games in Spodek are the largest event of this type in southern Poland. There are more and more participants every year, so I am not worried about the next editions. Exhibitors also appear in more and more numbers. This time, it was possible to visit 42 stands with games and gadgets. Most of them had tables with new or unreleased board games that you could play. Always willing to help, publishing house employees explained the rules to all interested parties, and answered difficult questions about the availability of certain titles and delays in deliveries.

However, before I got to the most interesting stands, I had to wait a while before entering. I showed up 20 minutes before the start and a lot of people have already gathered, but all in a good mood and with smiles on their faces. After the initial chaos and repeated questions about which queue is for whom, the door finally opened and we headed off. Contrary to my earlier fears, the crowd moved smoothly, and the waiting was made more pleasant by conversations with random people.

After entering the Spodek, I found myself in the middle of the stands crowded with board game enthusiasts. I will not hide that I also visited all the exhibitors several times and looked over the shoulder of players trying their hand at the tables. It was colorful, loud and cheerful, which wasn’t necessarily conducive to concentration, but veterans of such events are used to it. As the game started, the noise faded and the board and cards drew full attention.

After separating from the exhibitors, I went to the Spodek album, where a games room was organized. A well-equipped rental shop (over 600 games!) And tables crowded with players testified to a lot of interest. At one point, there were no seats left and additional furniture had to be found. Some of them did not care about the shortcomings and spread the games on the floor. In our hobby, a piece of flat surface is enough, so the ground was perfect.

In addition to the two largest zones – exhibitors and the game room – smaller ones have also been separated. In a separate room it was possible to take part in several tournaments with prizes. Fans of role-playing games were also devoted to a separate space, where they could sign up for sessions under the watchful eye of experienced players. The Spodek board has a family zone with a separate rental shop where the youngest could find something for themselves.

The organizers have not forgotten about down-to-earth things that are easy to forget in the shopping and gaming frenzy. Several hotels have prepared discounts for event participants. And during the festival, the drinks stall was crowded every time I walked by. I did not reach the food court, but I know that it was also included in the organizers’ plan.

What did I play? Unfortunately, not everything I wanted, but I have never managed to do it yet. I only watched some of the games, because getting to the table was almost a miracle. Some publishers kept records for learning the rules for specific hours, which certainly improved the exchange of players. I played a few novelties, but I also returned to last year’s premieres, which I didn’t have the opportunity to try.

The board games at the Spodek Arena are a growing event and I have no doubt that it will continue to grow. I just don’t know where we will fit next time, because there were already no tables available and getting to the exhibitors was sometimes impossible. One thing is certain – after a year and a half of not meeting at conventions and festivals, such an event had no right to go wrong. The participants probably surprised the organizers with their number, which should confirm them that even in pandemic times with restrictions it is worth organizing such events. Real fans are not afraid of any restrictions when they rush to the table with news. That’s why I’m already thinking about the next edition and I’m probably not the only one.

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