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Ball puzzles – a review of the game “Technosphere Reload”

Sometimes we need to cool down and take a break from work or study. Then some casual games that will give us a moment of mental breath come true. That’s why Technosphere Reload can turn out to be a really interesting cutscene.


The doom is near

In Technosphere Reload we will play the role of a mysterious sphere that traverses cosmic locations. For a serious reason. For it was created to protect humanity from the lurking cosmic threat in the form of asteroids. This is the first production of the independent studio Adaptive Game. The title evokes strong associations with Bounce Tales , a game that appeared on many Java-based phones in 2008.

Orientate yourself!

The game combines platform elements and logical puzzles. Lasers will appear on our way and they will easily incinerate our sphere. However, our greatest enemy is, above all, gravity. Apart from it, winning is also hindered by diagonal panels, where centimeters separate us from falling into a cosmic vacuum or moving platforms, which cause many difficulties. There is no room for mistakes here and one wrong jump can end the cosmic adventure. Fortunately, the developers did not allow the camera to move freely and adjust to our position. It is the player who fully controls the position of the view and sets it in relation to subsequent puzzles and obstacles. It is also an important element of the game, because the view at the right angle will make it easier to plan your jump. Orientation in the field is the key to victory.

However, Technosphere Reload has it that you can get too irritated while playing. The ball does not stop and we have to control its movement all the time, also a moment of inattention and we lose all lives, which makes us go through the same level again. We get nervous when it falls or when it accelerates so much that it takes a while before it slows down, and this in most cases ends in a crash. Therefore, those who have weak nerves, better let go of this game and find solace in some calmer titles. On the other hand, Technosphere Reload allows you to develop reflexes or eye- hand coordination.

It is audiovisual

Graphically it is very nice. A large number of lights “flood” the game world in an interesting way and make it very colorful, even neon. The semi-darkness also works to the advantage, as it effectively hides minor texture flaws. Overall, the setting is extremely pleasing to the eye and fits well with the gameplay. It also has its moments where it looks just great. Large rifts, outer space or endless systems of unknown space devices. The music is dominated by the electronic one, which can be considered a good combination, considering the fact that there are machines all around us.

Go round the ball!

However, this is not too extensive production and will be more effective as a time killer or relaxation after work. The pace is not very fast, but the time measured by the clock at the top of the screen is following us relentlessly. We only have ten hours to save the Earth. So let’s spin at full speed. The price, however, is not too high and for fans of extraordinary productions, the game can be an interesting proposition.

Technosphere Reload allows you to develop reflexes, but on the other hand, it causes a lot of nerves. It is an interesting title, but it does not bring you to your knees. Although on the other hand, we have the prospect of saving humanity from extinction, and the action takes place in space, which may appeal to science-fiction fans. Personally, I recommend it, because the game itself brought me a lot of fun and satisfaction with passing the next levels. 

We would like to thank Adaptive Games studio for making a copy of the game available for review.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

Technosphere Reload is perfect for a moment of respite at work, when we just want to disconnect from reality and play some casual game.

SOUND: 7/10
STORY: 6/10
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